June 6 Sunday School Recognition Day and Ice Cream Social

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  • Our Sunday School Recognition and Ice Cream Social !!!

  •      (Please scroll down to see all the photos!)



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Steve and Lisa receive an anniversary blessing.

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Erica receives a new Bible for her confirmation.

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May God bless you Erica!

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Sandy and Judy get ready to announce their class attendees.

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Jennifer is first to get her certificate and bag of goodies.  Thanks Lucas!

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Older sister Jasmine is next in line!

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Don’t forget Madeline and Elizabeth!

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Janet and Kendall describe the delightful children they taught this past year.

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Laura waits with the flowers that are given to the teachers for the time and effort they put into St. Mark’s

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Here’s part of Janet and Kendall’s class: Mark, Micaela, Sophie, and Carly.

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Kendall offers many thanks to her “boss,” Sunday School coordinator, Carol!

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Janet starts off the Ice Cream Social with a Bible trivia quiz.  Dave looks stumped!

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OK gang!  Let’s get ready to take on those adults again this year and show them who’s got the most strength!

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Referee Don lines up the tug-of-war rope in the middle!

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On three… Pull!  Pull!  Pull!


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This is the fierce competition!  (Well maybe not too fierce!)


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Don’t give up now guys!  We can do it!