The St Mark’s Vestry is the Corporate Board of Trustees of the parish, and is looking for a few good men and women to fill upcoming vacancies. Both the Senior Warden and Junior Warden are coming off the last year of their terms, and there are two other open slots. While we do have some interested parishioners already, we can always use YOU on the Vestry. The Warden terms are one year (maximum of three one-year terms), and the member positions are for three-year terms.
Among other duties, our vestry members act as liaisons to the parish for our various ministries, make financial decisions based on recommendations of the Treasurer and Finance Committee, work with Buildings and Grounds to maintain our property, and support ongoing inreach and outreach activities. There is a monthly meeting (currently held via Google Meets) where these decisions are made. Vestry members are expected to read ahead on agenda items and be prepared to make informed decisions in the best interest of the parish. During non-pandemic times when we have Coffee Hour, the Vestry members are responsible for finding hosts.
If you’re interested in more information or would like to submit your name for consideration, please contact Katherine Wagner at 937-256-1082 or st_marks@ameritech.net. The slate of nominees will be presented at the December Vestry meeting and voted on at the Annual Parish Meeting in January.