Adult Christian Education Archives

Autumn, 2004

St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary

Special Session: The Windsor Report

Discussion Led By Mike Kreutzer

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Notes on "The Windsor Report" from Diocesan Convention Session

In general: How to deal with controversy while retaining communion. Top flight people responsible for the WR. Most important document on theology of the Anglican Communion.

Section A: Heart of identity of who we are as members of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. Webs of mutual relationships and responsibilities, rather than just a denomination.

We are members of a parish, which belongs to a diocese, and that diocese is part of a group of dioceses, and that group is in communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury. The church is the body of Christ, and the Bible points to The Living God.

Anglican theology is not constant; we explore it only when needed. 
"Subsidiarity": all critical decisions should be made at the highest appropriate level. We have no central authority; it is dispersed and based on concepts received, tested and authenticated. ,. 

Section B: Most significant part, says what we believe in. Webs of ever expanding size, more than just a parish or a diocese, even beyond a group of dioceses. The Episcopal Church could've become independent in 1776 but kept up the relationship. The Apostolic Succession was/is valued. First challenge came in the 1860s when an African Bishop (Colenzo) stirred up controversy and was deposed. US and Canadian churches wrote to the Archbishop of Canterbury, asking him to assemble all the bishops so that all Anglicans could speak together, explore rights and responsibilities. There was agreement not to tromp on the weaker brethren but to provide a level of care for the rest of the church. How can we live together with all our differences?

What has emerged is a desire for a mere structured dialog with the rest of the Anglican Communion. There is a perception in the rest of the world that TEC says "we will teach you".. .American imperialism in ecclesiastical form. What is required is a measured study of our ecclesiastical boundaries. 

Section C: We have no juridical structure. Lambeth is close to it, but just on one level. The Anglican Consultative Council is also close but not authoritative. How can we be autonomous and responsible at the same time. This section proposes a covenant to deal with matters in an orderly way 

Section D: The recommendations: that we regret the actions of the Robinson consecration and the New Westminster same-sex unions and also that primates and other bishops chose to interfere in the internal affairs of other dioceses. We are invited to express regret in a formal way, that those who took part in the various controversial activities are invited to withdraw to create space, and we are invited to observe a moratorium on the ordination of gays. There is no unqualified freedom to issue texts on same-sex unions, and those who have done that are invited to express regret and/or withdraw.

To those dissenting groups, they must uphold the authority of the diocesan bishops. It commends the principle of diocesan oversight recently proposed by the TEC House of Bishops, such oversight to also include retired bishops. For those who have intervened, they should express regret, declare a moratorium on future interventions and seek accommodation with the local bishops affected.

What happens next? There will be a meeting in December of the Presiding Bishop with members of his advisory council. The House of Bishops will review the recommendations at their next meeting on January 12. The Annual Meeting of diocesan clergy with Bishop Thompson will take place at Proctor Conference Center on February 19. The Anglican Consultative Council (over 100 bishops and lay people) will meet in Nottingham, England in June.

There is much sentiment for our coming to the table together while agreeing on the centrality of the authority of scripture. Bishop N. T. Wright is reported to be the principal (the only?) author of the Scripture section. One question: how does TEC express regret when official decisions can only be made at General Convention (Columbus in June 2006)?

For more information, visit the following websites...

Comments from the Anglican Community:

Purchase the Windsor Report in book format:

Download the 93 page report (*pdf format) bsp/hi/pdfs/18_10_04_windsor_report.pdf

Comments from Christianity Today


Notes on the Election of our Next Bishop

Nominations for our next Bishop were sought through a wide variety of ways, and 400 recommendations -284 unduplicated names -were received by the Committee. All 284 were invited into the process. They were sent a brochure listing the "Seven Gifts" that the Diocese was searching for, gifts defined in a series of diocesan-wide meetings with clergy and lay members, and they were asked to pick one of those seven gifts and respond to the Committee.

95 of the nominees chose to respond; according to our Consultant, the most who had ev~r replied in the past was 25. The process was designed to screen people IN, not OUT. The 95 were then asked to respond to a second of the seven gifts, and 30 replied.

Working with these 30, one member of the Committee was assigned to each person. Six teams of three members each made conference calls to the candidates for an interview that lasted two hours. Each candidate submitted four references, and one person called all four to get a clearer picture.

The Committee met on October 29, and the list was cut to 12. Teams of two then scheduled a personal visit with the candidate, visits lasting 36 hours with talks to 10 other people on the candidate's staff or others who knew the candidate. That process continues.

Early in January the Committee will reassemble and cut the list to 6 or7. Those individuals will then be invited into the Diocese at the end of January, together with their families for their own discernment procedure -whether they like us or not, a sort of last chance step. After thorough background checks are conducted by the Standing Committee on February 24, they will be invited for a series of regional meetings hosted by the deaneries. Ours will be at St. Margaret's on Thursday evening, May 26, exact time TBA, for brief presentations, questions and answers, etc. The next step will be deanery meetings without the candidates for follow-up discussions and concerns to be addressed. The actual election will take place at a one-day convention in Cincinnati on June 11,2005.

Why the big response? The Consultant said that Southern Ohio is known as a healthy diocese with a respected Bishop, an engaging profile and good people. The selection criteria followed the national church Canons/Constitution.. .and the noted Seven Gifts. All Committee decisions were made by consensus, never a vote, and each decision was fully supported by the Committee, which was grounded in prayer and worship.

The committee has practiced the highest standard of care and sensitivity with the candidates, tender handling of them and each other. No names have yet been announced, either those in or those out.


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St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary

Session Four: "Finding My Way Home," by Henri J. M. Nouwen

Read more about the author:  click HERE

Discussion Led By Mike Kreutzer

Sunday, November 28, 2004

The Path of Living and Dying

GROUP DISCUSSION:  Having purpose in life is significant.  Consider those people who die shortly after they stop working because they have nothing else to look forward to.  The idea of retirement is obsolete.  What a waste of talented resource and experience!  Older people have much to give to others.  Many people want to accomplish a goal in life, but procrastinate too long.  The church talks about the next life, but not the passage to life here on earth.  Living wills are, in many cases, too general to be really useful.  Society measures you by what you have done instead of who you are.  Many people who have passed away still have significant influence on the living.  Being an active mentor is important!


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St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary

Session Three: "Finding My Way Home," by Henri J. M. Nouwen

Read more about the author:  click HERE

Discussion Led By Mike Kreutzer

Sunday, November 21, 2004

The Path of Waiting

GROUP DISCUSSION:  Active vs. passive waiting.  Consider the situations of waiting for an operation,  waiting to get a new job, or waiting to hear if you have cancer or some other incurable disease.  It can be difficult to be a passive type person in certain situations as was suggested.  Can one be considered passively waiting while at a stop light.  In Zorba the Greek there is an interesting story about waiting.  Waiting together or as a group can be better in many circumstances.  Being with hospice patients in their last days can be a very special waiting period.  For "active" waiting  one believes that this moment is "the" moment and must be fully present in time. 


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St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary

Session Two: "Finding My Way Home," by Henri J. M. Nouwen

Read more about the author:  click HERE

Discussion Led By Mike Kreutzer

Sunday, November 14, 2004

The Path of Peace

GROUP DISCUSSION:  One may conclude that a symphony director has power.  There is a search for inner peace.  It is difficult to relate to the author's experiences.  Is this his search for inner peace?  We need to keep a focus on what is really important in life and don't get sidetracked on the "small stuff."  Each individual is worthwhile.  If we can all think this way, the world would be much more peaceful.  In our younger years, we have many more physical capabilities, and become slightly more disabled each day as we continue to age.  Since most of us have a good life, there is a responsibility to make the world a better place to live in.  One must have a starting point to be able to center or ground yourself -- "intra-personal peace."  One cannot always be doing, doing, doing!  The peace that passes understanding is God's ultimate peace.  Humans cannot always comprehend how peace may be found in weakness, for example.  From time to time people must empty themselves of their inner burdens to find peace.  We are called to live two lives, spiritual and worldly.


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St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary

Session One: "Finding My Way Home," by Henri J. M. Nouwen

Read more about the author:  click HERE

Discussion Led By Mike Kreutzer

Sunday, November 07, 2004

The Path of Power

GROUP DISCUSSION:  Powerlessness -- Christian's can exercise power through being powerless.  The most misused form of power is when declaring God has given us the power to fight and win over our enemies.  For example, "God Bless America" is limited to one country, whereas all people on earth belong to God.  Jesus exercised powerlessness.  Some people use power to keep others at a distance so they don't have to deal with them.  Jesus taught of the child-like connection to God.  Jesus accepted strangers with compassion and love.  The Beatitudes can be thought of as a self-portrait of Jesus.  Some think they are the heart of the Gospel.  Many people struggle to get involved with church activities.  One must take the risk and venture forwards.  Do what you can to help others.  It can be difficult for us to define how weakness becomes power. 


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St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary

Session Six: The Book of Genesis, Chapters 47-50

Discussion Led By Mike Kreutzer

Sunday, October 24, 2004



NOTE: Use your browser's "BACK << " button to return to St. Mark's Website after reading the passage.

Click on the following hyperlink and read Genesis, Chapters 47-50.

Click on the following hyperlink and read associated Reference Materials.


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St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary

Session Five: The Book of Genesis, Chapters 37-46

Discussion Led By Mike Kreutzer

Sunday, October 17, 2004



NOTE: Use your browser's "BACK << " button to return to St. Mark's Website after reading the passage.

Click on the following hyperlink and read Genesis, Chapters 37-46.

Click on the following hyperlink and read associated Reference Materials.


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St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary

Session Four: The Book of Genesis, Chapters 32-36

Discussion Led By Mike Kreutzer

Sunday, October 10, 2004



NOTE: Use your browser's "BACK << " button to return to St. Mark's Website after reading the passage.

Click on the following hyperlink and read Genesis, Chapters 32-36.

Click on the following hyperlink and read associated Reference Materials.


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St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary

Session Three: The Book of Genesis, Chapters 27-31

Discussion Led By Mike Kreutzer

Sunday, October 03, 2004



NOTE: Use your browser's "BACK << " button to return to St. Mark's Website after reading the passage.

Click on the following hyperlink and read Genesis, Chapters 27-31.

Click on the following hyperlink and read associated Reference Materials.


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St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary

Session One: The Book of Genesis, Chapters 21-26

Discussion Led By Mike Kreutzer

Sunday, September 26, 2004


NOTE: Use your browser's "BACK << " button to return to St. Mark's Website after reading the passage.

Click on the following hyperlink and read Genesis, Chapters 21-26.

Click on the following hyperlink and read associated Reference Materials.


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St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary

Session One: The Book of Genesis, Chapters 11-20

Discussion Led By Mike Kreutzer

Sunday, September 19, 2004

NOTE: Use your browser's "BACK << " button to return to St. Mark's Website after reading the passage.

Click on the following hyperlink and read Genesis, Chapters 11-20.

Click on the following hyperlink and read associated Reference Materials.


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