Adult Christian Education Archives

Spring, 2008

A Special Dayton Deanery

Adult Formation Opportunity

Confirmation and Renewal:

Glorious Companions

Beginning Thursday, April 3, and continuing for a total of 6 sessions, the Episcopal Church of Dayton will be offering a special Adult Formation series. It will provide an overview of our Anglican heritage and specifically of the Episcopal Church. All sessions will take place on Thursday evenings from 7:00 until 8:30 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Oakwood.

Topics and presenters will be:

April 3: The History of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion

> The Rev. Michael Kreutzer, St. Mark's Episcopal Church

.....Click HERE to read a copy of Mike's notes.

.....(Use "SaveAs" to download a copy.)

April 10: The Polity and Life of the Episcopal Church

> The Rev. John Koepke, St. Paul's Episcopal Church

.....Click HERE to read a copy of John's notes.

.....(Use "SaveAs" to download a copy.)

April 17: Anglican Foundations and Liturgy

> The Rev. John Paddock, Christ Episcopal Church, Dayton

.....Click HERE to read a copy of John's notes.

.....(Use "SaveAs" to download a copy.)

April 24: Anglican Spirituality and Temperament

> The Rev. Benjamin Speare-Hardy, St. Margaret's Episcopal Church

.....Click HERE to read a copy of Ben's notes.

.....(Use "SaveAs" to download a copy.)

May 1: Anglican Poets and Writers

> Carol Ganin-Nelson, Professor of English, Miami University

.....Click HERE to read a copy of Carol's notes.

.....(Use "SaveAs" to download a copy.)

May 8: Anglican Prophets and the Baptismal Covenant

> The Rev. Jane Gerdsen, St, Andrew's Episcopal Church

.....Click HERE to read a copy of Jane's notes.

.....(Use "SaveAs" to download a copy.)

All are welcome. Optional reading: “Glorious Companions.”


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