December 2 Visit from our Bishop!

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  • Bishop Price Visit

  •      (Please scroll down to see all the photos!)


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George, Juanita, and Carmen get ready for the Bishop!


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Dave and Tony in Adult Ed. class!

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Ask the Bishop is the theme of our Adult Ed. session this morning!

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Mike, Mary Ann, and John participate!

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Dave, Tony, and Jim are keen students!

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The Bishop prepares to answer a few questions!


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Edie shakes Mike’s hand!

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Vicky joins the family of Episcopalians!

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Deacon George is beaming in the Bishop’s presence!

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George formally greets the Bishop!

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The Bishop, Vicky, and sponsor, Edie!


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The Bishop, Vicky, and sponsor, Edie!

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The Bishop, Vicky, sponsor Edie, Mike, and George!

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Many parishioners signed up to donate food for the Bishop’s luncheon!

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Our hard-working Gary stirs the pot!

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Deacon George and the children sponsor a project for Heifer International!


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The Bishop greets Tara and Caroline!

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The Bishop greets Tara and Caroline!

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The Bishop’s wife, Mary Ann chats with some of St. Mark’s parishioners!

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How’s the food?!  Our table think it tastes pretty good!

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Ginny and Ann discuss plans!

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The Bishop pays a visit to the various tables!

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Edie and Vicky!

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Ruby and John enjoy our luncheon and the time spent with the Bishop!

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George and the Bishop discuss some important matters!