2006 St Mark’s Annual Yard Sale! August 12

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The ladies are poised to sell!

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How could anyone resist coming to St. Mark’s Yard Sale?

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Come on down!

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We bought a bundle!

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First place sellers in the furniture department!

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Wow!  How can you resist sale prices like that!

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I’m broke!

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The crowds can’t get enough!

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Oh solo mia!

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Books, books, and more books!  Those St. Mark’s people must love to read!

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Here’s an extra penny… keep the change!

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Just me and my Tele Tubby !

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This monkey has your name on it!

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Grandma loves her dolly!

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Look!  It’s alive!


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I’ll take two!

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One size fits all!

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This baby buggy is the super deluxe version, complete with afterburners!