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I) Call to Order and Opening Prayer—————————————–Mike Kreutzer
II) Appointment of Recorder and of Election Tellers———————Mike Kreutzer
III) Approval of Minutes from the 61st Annual Parish Meeting——–Dave Reuter
IV) Report of the Nominating Committee———————————–Tony Rubino
V) Balloting for Wardens, Vestry, and Delegates————————All
VI) Summary of the 2014 Year-End Treasurer’s Report and———Don Nancarrow
Status of the 2015 Budget
VII) Summary of the 2015 Stewardship Campaign———————Jim Rudd
VIII) Conversations————————————————————–All
IX) Election Results————————————————————Tony Rubino
X) Lifetime Service Award—————————————————-Heath MacAlpine
XI) Closing Prayer and Adjournment—————————————Mike Kreutzer
Minutes from St. Mark’s 61st Annual Parish Meeting
Sunday, January 25, 2015
I) Call to Order and Opening Prayer (Mike Kreutzer): Mike called the meeting to order at 11:51 AM and opened the meeting with prayer. Everyone present received a copy of the handout entitled “61st Annual Parish Meeting: January 26, 2014,” which contained copies of committee reports compiled by various leaders of the church. Everyone sixteen years of age or older also received a voting ballot with the list of candidates.
II) Appointment of Recorder and of Election Tellers (Mike Kreutzer): Dave Reuter was appointed Recorder. Janet Reuter and Kendall Rubino were named Election Tellers.
III) Approval of Minutes from the 59th Annual Meeting (Dave Reuter): Katherine Wagner moved to approve the minutes from the 60th Annual Meeting as submitted (seconded by Jim Pruner). The motion passed unopposed.
IV) Report of the Nominating Committee (Tony Rubino): The Nominating Committee members this year were Janet Reuter and Kate Lyons. Tony called everyone’s attention to the slate of new candidates as listed below.
V) Balloting for Wardens, Vestry and Representatives (All): Mike then began the balloting process and announced the candidates once again. All Vestry Member candidates present stood up to be identified.
* Nominee for Senior Warden, 1-year term (elect 1): Heath MacAlpine.
* Nominee for Junior Warden, 1-year term (elect 1): Libby Nicholson.
* Nominees for Vestry Members, 1-Year Term (elect 1), and Vestry Members, 3-Year Terms (elect 2):
Kate Canale, Dwight Cass, Wayne Harper, Shirley Jackson, and Linda Stagles. (Note: The terms are to be decided at the first Vestry meeting.)
* Nominees for Diocesan Convention Delegates (elect 2):
Carol Nancarrow, Tony Rubino, Jim Rudd, and Mary-Anna Welch. (Note: The Senior Warden and Junior Warden are also delegates.)
Mike continued by asking if there were additional nominations from the floor for any of the positions. Having none, he then entertained a motion to close all nominations which was so moved by Jim Pruner and seconded by Dwight Cass. The motion passed by voice vote unopposed. Then Mike entertained a motion to elect Senior and Junior Wardens by acclimation, which was so moved by Don Nancarrow and seconded by Jim Pruner. The motion also passed by voice vote unopposed. Finally, the congregation was asked to vote: (Vestry Members x 3; Delegates x 2). Subsequently, all ballots were collected.
Results from the 2013-14 Stewardship Campaign (Jim Rudd): The Stewardship Committee, chaired by Jim Rudd, consisted of members Don Nancarrow, Mike Kreutzer, Carol Nancarrow, and Katherine Wagner. The committee reviewed financial results from 2011, 2012, and 2013 (budget) to establish its new goals. Complete details may be found in the meeting handout. The campaign consisted of the following processes: mailing of stewardship letter, pledge form and brochure entitled “Being a Good Steward,” delivery of stewardship sermons by The Reverend Mike Kreutzer and Jennifer Oldstone-Moore, delivery of key stewardship messages by Gary Welch, Kate Lyons, and Dwight Cass; stewardship reminders in worship service bulletins, bar charts reporting goals’ status, letters of appreciation, gathering of pledge forms and presenting as offering on 1 December 2013, and closing the campaign on 12 January 2014. For 2014 there were 41 pledges received (91% of goal), $143,736 pledged (103% of goal), and $3,505 average amount per pledged, a 12-1/2% increase over 2013. The 2014 pledge results compared with the 2013 pledge results as follows: 20 increased, 16 remained the same, 3 decreased, 2 new pledges received, and 6 non-renewed. Additionally, there were 5 children’s pledges received totaling $392. Next, Jim reviewed the pledge amount distribution which highlighted this year’s gains and losses in the various pledge amount categories. Jim commented that due to the number of people who moved away from St. Mark’s this past year, the goals were kept the same as the previous year’s goals. However, he was extremely pleased with this year’s campaign results, especially since the 2014 pledge amount goal was exceeded in spite of the reduction in number of pledges. Jim thanked everyone for their continued support of God’s work through St. Mark’s. Mike then thanked Jim for a job once again well done.
2013 Year-End Treasurer’s Report and the Status of the 2014 Budget (Don Nancarrow): Don began by noting that although December was a deficit month since the expenses from the Parish Action Team (PAT) and our Social Concerns Committee are booked that month, St. Mark’s still enjoyed a year-end financial surplus of $4,796. He also noted that January tends to be a deficit month as well since we pay a number of expenses in a lump sum that covers the entire year or large portion of a year. Our outreach goal totaled 6.5% which surpassed the goal of 5.3%. Last year we also proposed a balanced budget for only the second time in thirteen years. Details of the history of St. Mark’s finances can be found in the Treasurer’s Report. Dwight Cass then asked if the Parochial Report was finished. Don responded that it will be completed before the February Vestry meeting, where it will receive final approval. Then Don directed everyone’s attention to the 2014 Budget. A one-page handout titled “St. Mark’s Episcopal Church – 2014 Budget” had been distributed to everyone in attendance at the beginning of the meeting. He noted two corrections: Additions to Endowments, Investments: $4,784 (was $2,784); and Other Clergy Compensation: positive $483 (was negative $483) [This also changed the affected Percents in Clergy Compensation and Non-Cleric Compensation and Costs from negative to positive.] The Finance Committee will review the budget prior to Vestry approval at the February meeting. This year a budget surplus of $3,410 is projected, so raises for the staff are now being considered a possibility. A question was raised about utility costs since this winter has been colder than usual. This will also be addressed by the Finance Committee. Then Dwight noted that our income for parish organization had significantly decreased. Don answered by noting that we were re-classifying Yard Sale proceeds to non-operating income, which explained the decrease. Finally everyone thanked Don with a round of applause for the countless hours he spends as St. Mark’s Treasurer. Mike then took time to thank those members who were leaving the Vestry this year, which included Kate Lyons, Janet Reuter, and Carol Nancarrow. A rousing round of applause was given for Carol due to her services this past year as Senior Warden and heading up the large flooring project that has beautified our Community Building.
Election Results (Tony Rubino): Tony announced the winners of this year’s elections. For Vestry: Dwight Cass, Wayne Harper, and Linda Stagles were elected. For Convention Delegates: Tony Rubino and Jim Rudd were elected. Those persons not elected will be considered as first alternates if for any reason one or more of the elected members cannot fulfill their complete term. Thanks to all those who volunteered to run for Vestry.
Lifetime Service Award (Carol Nancarrow): This year’s recipients of the award were Jim and Judy Rudd. The following is the good news announcement written and made by Carol: “By special order of the Vestry of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, let it be known that there are two people in the congregation deserving of special recognition for their long and faithful service to this parish and the diocese of Southern Ohio. In their many worthy endeavors, this married couple works together so closely that to give a task to one of them is to give it to both of them. Therefore, they are being recognized jointly. The husband in this group has led St. Mark’s well as vestry member, junior and senior warden, and treasurer. He has led the stewardship campaign so often he has it down to a routine, and he serves on the investment and finance committees. He is also frequently seen as usher, lay reader, and chalice administrator. He has on numerous occasions represented St. Mark’s at diocesan convention. He is a member of the board of Canterbury Court, the Episcopal low-income retirement facility. And in his spare time, he is a key player on the St. Mark’s softball team. His wife is often visible at the front of the church during services as a choir member and lay reader, as well as making frequent announcements for her other projects, which usually involve eating good stuff or putting money in baskets. Many a vestry has known that getting her to organize a parish event means no more worries. It will be done and done well. The youth of the parish know her for Christmas pageants and music programs. Her pancake skills are well known to Shrove Tuesday crowds. She is also a stalwart member of the softball cheerleading team. When St. Mark’s has a big project, such as the yard sale or the Christmas project, this couple can be counted on to pitch in to get it done. Together they are largely responsible for the remodeling of the conference room for coffee hour. At Canterbury Court, they are famous for bingo calling.” Most of all, this couple represents the kind of friendship and faithful service that is one of the strengths of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. They just keep showing up when there is work to do—unless of course there is a Bengals home game!” Jim and Judy were then greeted with an extended round of applause in recognition of everything they mean to St. Mark’s.
Closing Prayer and Adjournment (Mike Kreutzer): Mike closed the meeting with prayer. A motion was made by Heath MacAlpine and seconded by Libby Nicholson at 12:27 PM to adjourn.
RECTOR’S REPORT: Mike Kreutzer
During the year 2014, St. Mark’s Church continued to be blessed by God in many ways, just as we always have been. In response, we continued to fulfill the mission that God has entrusted to us. In this annual report, other members of the parish have provided descriptions of some of the ways that we have done so. Rather than repeat them, I have decided to describe for you some of the ways that I, with your generous support, have helped to extend this parish’s ministry to the community around us this year.
For our deanery’s 2014 Lenten program, I led a weekly study of the season’s Sunday gospel readings, all taken from the Gospel according to John, together with a reflection on John’s Passion and Resurrection stories. Those who attended report that our sessions enabled them to understand the stories more clearly and to enter much more fully into their own parish’s Sunday worship.
Responding to local needs, I served two area families at the death of one of their members. One of those who died was the mother of a woman who attends one of the support groups at St. Mark’s, but who did not have a church or minister for the funeral. The other was one of the many victims of heroin overdoses in our area. His parents had no church nor could they afford a funeral for their son; but the mother’s friend told her: “I attend a 12-step meeting at St. Mark’s Church. If you like, I’ll call their pastor. They will help you.” And, of course, we did, hosting the visitation in the nave, followed by a brief service, which about 75 people, along with the grateful family, attended.
From spring to fall, I again served as the volunteer chaplain for military reunion groups at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. I researched each group in advance, to that I could know who they are and better minister to their needs. Those in attendance expressed their gratitude for my presence and were touched by the moving words of our Book of Common Prayer.
In my role as coordinator of the Kemp School Community Partnership (now in its 13th year), I continued serving as a member of the Dayton Public Schools “Family and Community Engagement Panel” and as a member of our area’s “School-Church Partnership Advisory Board.”
At the appointment of the Bishop, I have continued working as a member of the diocesan Professional Development Committee, supporting the continuing education needs of our diocesan clergy and the members of the diocesan staff.
Working together with the Rev. Stephen Kimpel, Pastor of Faith Lutheran Church in Dayton, I helped develop a plan for the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio and the ELCA (Lutheran) Church’s Southern Ohio Synod to begin working together in offering shared educational opportunities to our members. The Synod’s “Lay School of Theology” will be opening its new Dayton-area location (at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Kettering) this February, and we look forward to developing this initiative as a joint Lutheran-Episcopal endeavor. We see this as a prelude to much closer cooperation in ministry in the years to come.
The two of us also continued coordinating monthly gatherings of the St. Mark Biblical Forum which, for over ten years, has brought together clergy from multiple denominations to read and reflect on current works of biblical scholarship.
Once again this year, I found myself supporting another parish in our area during its time of transition. At various times, I have led their Wednesday morning worship services, visited hospitalized members, and conducted a baptism, a wedding and several funerals. Although the Deanery system in our diocese has come to an end (and, with it, my official role as Dean), I will continue to assist other churches, as needed, in the realization that we are all one church, that we need to support one another, and that together we are called to serve the world in God’s name.
During 2015, I expect to be playing a key role in the “local arrangements” for our Diocesan Convention, which will be meeting this November 13 and 14 at the Dayton Convention Center.
As we begin a new year at St. Mark’s, we join in thanking God for the many blessings of these past 76 years and recommit ourselves to discerning the new challenges and opportunities to which God is calling us in the year, and years, to come.
2014 was an interesting year for St. Marks and its people, ministries, building, and finances. . We welcomed returning Vestry member Wayne Harper and new member Dwight Cass. Jennifer Oldstone-Moore, placed at St. Marks as part of her training for the ministry, left us in the spring and is currently studying in New York City. We continued our ministries at Canterbury Court, CARE House, and at Kemp School, and began a new one in support of the food pantry at St. Pauls United Methodist Church. Our Pancake Supper in February was successful, and our garage sale in August did very well.
Building on the new flooring installed in 2013 and the earlier renovations to the Community Room, the Vestry asked the Building and Grounds Committee to review the facilities and prioritize the repair/renovation/replacement that needs to be done to maintain a functional and attractive presence. As a result, we’ll be moving forward with planning to repair our increasingly cratered parking lot. Our stately but increasingly brittle elm trees, victims of the emerald ash borer and age, were taken down and replaced. Finally, the B & G Committee also put together a list of smaller tasks that needed to be undertaken; thank you to people who have adopted tasks and made those small repairs that keep our building in trim. New chairs were installed in the choir room, and our old folding tables were replaced with new, lighter models.
Our finances were not notably different from the preceding year. The Treasurer’s report will provide more detail, but we were blessed with the ongoing and generous support of the St. Marks family. Our investments continued to perk up, reflecting the improving economy. The Vestry created a Finance Committee and approved a charter for it. The Committee is to provide detailed feedback to the Treasurer regarding the church’s finances and help determine which issues need the attention of the Vestry.
I think the most important work the Vestry did during the year, though, was to begin to actively grapple with our future. In a recent e-mail message, Bishop Briedenthal captured the concerns of the diocese (that includes us):
We are not in a bad way in Southern Ohio — to the contrary, much is flourishing. But there is fear that the old ways are dying, and that young adults are not replacing old adults. That fear is well founded. Young adults are not interested in shoring up the church as an institution. Nevertheless, they are interested in Jesus, and what it might mean to follow him in connection with others.
This is where I find hope – not for our survival as a denomination, but for a recovery of the Episcopal tradition as a movement, grounded in Jesus, claiming union with the apostles through time, and always ready, on the basis of that apostolic order, to be in relationship with whatever is around us.
Prior to the holiday season, the Vestry had several frank and honest discussions regarding where we currently find ourselves. While we’re doing relatively better than many other churches (our like named neighbor, St. Mark’s Lutheran, closed last year), we find the Boomers (and pre-Boomers) who have contributed so much of themselves growing older without enough new members on the horizon to help share the mission.
More than the building or the finances, this is the critical challenge we face in 2015 and beyond. While we rightly have much affection for what St. Marks has meant in our lives and our families’ lives, we need to be able to hold those memories close without letting them restrain us. . If St. Marks is to continue (and that is an if; right now the long-term numbers are not on our side), we need to be brave enough to step out from where we are and be open to what a future St. Marks could be. This is where the primary focus of our Vestry should be.
I hope you’ll help. At the 2015 Annual Meeting, we’ll be seeking your input and ideas. Your involvement beyond the meeting, though, is going to be very important – the Vestry can’t, and shouldn’t, do this on its own. I’m optimistic that, with your help, your willingness to help us go in new directions, and your prayers, we can build on St. Marks wonderful history and create a vibrant future.
St. Mark’s Buildings & Grounds (B&G) Committee: Wayne Harper, Don Nancarrow, Dave Reuter, Gary Welch, and Katherine Wagner.
On April 12, 2014 about a dozen members of St. Mark’s participated in ‘Sparkle Day’ to spruce up the sanctuary prior to Easter. Volunteers were rewarded afterwards with pizza and pop.
Mary-Anna Welch, working with Katherine and Father Mike, redecorated the long wall in the breezeway. She displayed some photos (e.g. our former and current bishops) and a few documents from St. Mark’s history. Among the latter is the certificate of our Articles of Incorporation – when we became a parish and were legally incorporated in the State of Ohio – dated April 12, 1954 – 60 years ago!
Trees were a major issue in 2014. A beautification project was approved by the Vestry back in 2013. The project included replacing the trees on the Woodman Drive side of the Community Building, cut back at least some of the bushes in the Courtyard, and put mulch in the flower beds. Funding came from $1,253 left in the John Webster memorial fund for trees and bushes. Carol Nancarrow volunteered to coordinate the purchase of the new trees including development of a landscaping plan. Wayne Harper also graciously volunteered to take care of purchasing and distributing mulch for the flower beds. It was estimated about two cubic yards would be sufficient. In May, Wayne and Gail Harper brought a truckload of mulch and spent hours spreading it around our shrubs and flower beds. In addition to looking great, it helped deter some of the weeds this year. About the same time, Tony Rubino, Mike Wagner, and Don Nancarrow removed the juniper trees on the west side of our community building. On July 8, 2014, a team from Knollwood Nursery planted three new trees just outside the lounge.
In June a severe thunderstorm caused major damage to a number of trees surrounding St. Mark’s. One large pine was down (pulled out by the roots) on the driveway side of the church, and the maples on that side also sustained a lot of damage. Branches were down on the west side as well. A few days later, the B&G crew converged on the scene! Dave Reuter brought his chainsaw, and he and Rob Reuter, Wayne Harper, and Gary Welch made short work of the fallen pine. Mike Wagner made it up just in time to help the team pack and haul at least three truckloads of debris (from the maple trees, around the dumpster, and the cypress in the playground). Because the Wagners are Kettering residents, the guys were able to take the debris to the Kettering recycling area, and not have to drive out to Xenia. Bonus! As part of the clean-up effort, Carol Nancarrow, Katherine Wagner and Janet Reuter weeded all of our flower beds. St. Mark’s then contracted with Cundiff Tree Service to thin out the damaged limbs to complete the job. A few weeks later Cundiff returned to trim and downsize the many shrubs growing in our courtyard. OK, enough with the trees.
The Vestry asked the B&G Committee to revisit the Capital Projects / Long-Term Projects Report created 11 years ago by a group led by Kendall Rubino. In September B&G committee held a three-hour work-session to comply with this request. Two lists were produced: A long-term, capital improvements list, and a “fix up and spruce up” list. The former list included projects such as refurbishing the parking lot, providing for better handicapped access, replacing the centralized bathroom vent motor in the Community Building, installing floodlight on the cross located on the side of the building, replacing the boiler in the Community Building, and replacing the windows in the Community Building. The “fix up and spruce up” list consisted of 43 smaller tasks and projects that need to be completed, many of which are well within the capabilities of our parishioners. These items were prioritized as A, B, or C. Each item was also associated with an owner who would take on the responsibility for completing that project, either personally, or with assistance of others. About half of the tasks already had owners assigned. The list was opened up to the entire parish in the hope volunteers might help whittle down the list over time. Finally, it was decided that the lists would be posted on our website and on the bulletin board, and that all tasks would be coordinated through Katherine Wagner.
One of the items on the “fix up & spruce up” list was to refurbish and repaint our Canopy. This was given top priority in order to improve visitor’s first impressions. Gary Welch and Dave Reuter have taken on this worthy task. Much of the weathered trim has been replaced and the under boards have been painted. Much work remains: all the trim and support poles need to be prepped and painted “Episcopalian Red”. Target date for completion is spring of 2015.
Also in September ‘NO PARKING’ signs were attached to the canopy poles at the entrance to the emergency/fire lane at the front of the community building.
In October, Dwight Cass and Don Nancarrow walked through the Church and did the unthinkable – they tested each of the emergency lights. And sadly, none of the tested units worked. Ooops! Dwight took the lead; after sizing the project, he secured sufficient private funding necessary to replace all of our existing Exit signs and Emergency lights with LED low-power alternatives. The estimated total cost for this capital improvement project: $1,905.50 ($930.50 in parts, $1500 in installation costs/labor, and a $525 rebate from DP&L for installing low-power LED emergency lighting). A total of 20 fixtures were installed with the help of Jeff Bonham Electric.
St. Mark’s received a new (smaller) dumpster from Waste management. And in early November, we received a new paper recycle container from Royal Oak Retriever Program. They have taken over most of the former Abitibi-Bywater routes. Two important things: We will once again be paid for at the rate $5/ton for 0-3.99 ton. The container will hold about 2+ tons when full. They will accept cardboard. It will hold about 500lbs of cardboard, stacked flat. Remember, paper and cardboard only.
In December, Stanley Steemer cleaned the main aisle of the sanctuary for $75. To finish off the year, the Community Building floors were cleaned and waxed during the last week in December.
We continued to value the importance of good Communications at St. Mark’s in 2014. The Vestry Minutes were posted on the bulletin board and e-mailed every month in a simplified Word format. Also included in the postings were minutes from the Annual Meeting. In addition, paper copies from the current month’s meeting minutes are always available on the ushers’ table or main bulletin board. Other reports generated and posted for the benefit of both the Vestry and the congregation included: Calling List, Vestry Organization Chart, Vestry Ministry and Leads Spreadsheet, Counters’ Schedule, and numerous other schedules, etc. These same schedules and summaries are also posted on our website and bulletin boards as handy references. If any important news happens where everyone in the congregation needs to be reached quickly, each member of the Vestry is assigned to phone six or seven families with that information, so that within a very short time the entire parish is informed.
St. Mark’s also continues to have a group of dedicated (and growing) e-mail participants including many past parishioners who have moved away from the area. Parish information is e-mailed to any member who wishes to stay on the mailing list. Our Church Directory is updated, published, and distributed to current members on a regular basis with all of the parishioners’ current addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses. In addition, our weekly bulletin has been perfected over the years to allow everyone to easily follow along with the church service and keep them well-informed of current events at the parish and, where applicable, in the local community.
St. Mark’s Facebook page just keeps growing and growing. Thanks to the tiles less effort of our Parish Secretary, Katherine Wagner, the site gets updated nearly every day and filled with the many wonderful photos she posts! Also, continued thanks to Matt and Justine Kelly for their efforts in setting up the site and providing technical assistance. There are many benefits to our Facebook site including more outreach capabilities, particularly with the younger generations. In regards to our very own St. Mark’s website, it continues to be our leading outreach tool in finding those souls looking for a church home. In case you cannot make the Sunday service, there is a copy of the rector’s homily and all of the scripture readings posted weekly, as well as weekly bulletin events information. Fr. Mike’s sermons are now archived; so if you missed one in the past, you can read it at a later date! In addition summaries of all of our Adult Forums since 2001 are also archived in the Christian Education section. One more item worth mentioning is our on-line link to Any parishioner who goes to that site via the link will allow St. Mark’s to collect a finder’s fee! And speaking of links, there are plenty to choose in the bottom menu on every page. And speaking of links, there are plenty to choose in the bottom menu on every page. These include links to the Diocese of Southern Ohio, a complete set of St. Mark’s By-Laws and church history, other Episcopal Connections and much more. Don’t forget to check us out at
One of our most cherished and informative quarterly publications, The Lion’s Tale, continued to reach us this past year, now quarterly, through direct distribution in the parish or through the mail in paper copy. The electronic version may now be read online at our website in a clearer and easier to read format. In fact, a number of our parishioners are now “going green” and requesting their paper copies to be canceled. The newsletter may be downloaded in either a Word or PDF file format or viewed right on-line. With every new issue, a copy of The Lion’s Tale is also now sent out to all parishioners on our e-mail distribution list. As editors, Kendall Rubino and Lisa Darnell continue to perform an outstanding job taking care of and nurturing this ministry. On a more global scale, the diocesan bi-monthly publication, Connections, continues to be available for delivery to any parishioner wishing to learn more about the Diocese of Southern Ohio. The national church’s The Episcopal News Monthly has been replaced by Episcopal Journal, which is now only available only on-line as a cost savings measure. Our main sources of advertising, besides word-of-mouth, continue to be a very cost-effective four-fold approach: 1) Dayton area phone book, 2) St. Mark’s sign on Woodman Drive, 3) Facebook, and 4) St. Mark’s website.
I have good news. We finished the year with a surplus of $3,702. This was reduced by December being deficit by$1,059. Revenues and Expenses were both above budget for December and for the whole year. The 2014 surplus was $1,094 less than the surplus in 2013. The net for Operating Income and Expenses was a deficit of $4,345. The net for Non-Operating actions was positive by $8,047. The following table shows the overall monthly track for 2014.
December: Revenues of $21,350 were $5,747 (37%) above the monthly share of the budget.
Unplanned were a large dividend from Edward Jones and the selling of cook books. Expenses of $22,409 were $6,806 (44%) above their monthly share of the budget as we recorded over $4,350 of PAT and Social Concerns outlays for the year and paid a few quarterly bills.
2014 Revenues: These were $194,413, which was $7,174 and 4% more than the $187,239 projected. Total Operating Revenues of $172,198 were $857 (0.5%) below the projection of $173,055. In a reversal from 2013, we received $1,799 (26%) more of Plate Offerings than projected but Pledge Offerings were $2,101 (1.5%) less than pledged. Non-Operating Revenues of $22,215 were $8,031 above the estimate of $14,184. Designated Offerings for Outside the Parish were $4,454 (49%) above that goal and Investments and Capital Gifts were also high. The Yard Sale was $1,400 above that goal.
2014 Expenses: The total was $190,711, which was $3,472 (2%) over the budget of $187,239. Our Operating Expenses were $176,543, $404 (0.2%) above budget. Three groups of the Main Parish Operating Expenses were over budget: Utilities by $1,568, Property Expenses by $750, and Rector Compensation by $103. Five other groups were held under budget by the following amounts: Congregational Life – $2,214, Non-Cleric Employees Compensation – $844, Other – $323, Office Expenses – $200, and Other Clergy – $50. Major variations were Gas $1,624 high, $1,200 for cleanup of storm damage, and $1,072 for new Advent chancel hangings. The total for Non-Operating Expenses was $14,168, $3,068 (28%) over the budget of $11,100. Capital Expenses were $1,582 above budget (John Webster memorial trees (in budget) and replacing exit/emergency lights) and Restricted Gifts Going Outside the Parish were $1,486 high.
Mission/Outreach: Our overall goal was 7.3% of total income. We achieved 9%. From operations revenue, we sent out 3.4%, nicely over that goal of 2.3%.
History: 2014 was a balanced budget year, the third the last fourteen years (2008 also). 2009 was the seventh year in a row we finished with an actual deficit. This table shows recent history of budgets (mostly deficit) and actual results, and their cumulative impact.
Year > |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
Budget |
-30,576 |
-36,253 |
-31,624 |
0 |
-21,392 |
-16,305 |
-14,948 |
-7,018 |
0 |
0 |
Actual |
-14,585 |
-9,577 |
-3,964 |
4,415 |
-9,441 |
+3,317 |
+1,185 |
+12,854 |
+4,796 |
+3,702 |
Cum |
-40,704 |
-50,281 |
-54,254 |
-58,660 |
-68,101 |
-64,784 |
-63,599 |
-50,745 |
-45,950 |
-42,248 |
Stewardship Committee: Jim Rudd (Chairperson), Don Nancarrow (Treasurer), Fr. Mike Kreutzer (Rector), Heath MacAlpine (Senior Warden), and Katherine Wagner (Vestry Member)
Metric Parameter |
Actual |
Budget |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
Total Number of Pledges |
42 |
45 |
45 |
42 |
Total Annual Amount Pledged |
$128,600 |
$140,160 |
$140,160 |
$140,200 |
Stewardship Letter, Pledge Form and Brochure Titled “Stewardship of Time and Talent”
Stewardship Sermon by Fr. Mike Kreutzer
Stewardship Messages by Libby Nicholson, Linda Stagles and Deb Harvey
Stewardship Reminders in Worship Service Bulletins
Bar Charts Reporting Goals Status
Letters of Appreciation
Gathered Pledges and Presented as Offering on 23 Nov 14
Campaign closed on 21 Dec 14
Number of Pledges |
Same |
Increased |
Decreased |
New |
Total |
Goal |
% of Goal |
Dropped |
22 |
15 |
3 |
1 |
41 |
42 |
98 |
6 |
Annual Amount Pledged ($) |
Dropped |
New |
Decreased |
Increased |
Net Change |
Total |
Goal |
% of Goal |
-500 |
2400 |
-1700 |
5809 |
6009 |
150,888 |
140,200 |
108 |
St Mark’s provides on-going, essential resources and volunteers to many organizations in the community. A brief summary of the efforts of the various ministries during 2014 include:
Canterbury Court- Canterbury Court is a program of Episcopal Retirement Homes. During 2014, we provided bingo callers, accompanied residents to doctor’s appointments, helped with food and drink service at the weekly luncheon as well as resident birthday parties, assisted in resident gardening and worked to maintain the butterfly garden, and helped residents learn about computers and social networking. In addition, the younger members of the parish donated the proceeds from the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper.
CARE House Support – CARE House is a child-focused, facility-based program that provides a centralized, coordinated response to victims of abuse. St. Mark’s outreach to CARE House has been a valuable source of support. The Monthly contributions from the church have helped keep the shelves stocked with snacks, stuffed animals and other items, while contributions from individual parishioners help support the work done on behalf of children and families.
Day of Change – Our Day of Change contributions are part of our collaboration with St. Paul’s United Methodist church to assist those who are having difficulty providing food for themselves and their families. This year we collected $1,063.75 on the time change Sundays in March and November. Those funds went to the food pantry at St. Paul’s.
Hunger Basket/Hunger Fund – Continuing our contributions to St. Paul’s United Methodist Church food pantry, we collected food every third Sunday and whenever there was a special need. Just in November, the food pantry provided groceries to 817 individuals for 12,255, served 1404 nutritious hot meals at Tuesday lunch and Saturday breakfast, and put over 800 pieces of good used clothing into the hands of many grateful people, earning $422.00. St Mark’s is grateful for the opportunity to help St. Paul’s in this important mission.
Kemp School Community Partnership – St. Mark’s continued its relationship with Kemp Elementary School in 2014, helping tutor children, seek opportunities for funding, gather much needed school supplies, and host the Kickoff Cookout to welcome students. Fr. Mike Kreutzer’s leadership in this effort was recognized when he was appointed to serve on the Dayton Public Schools’ Family and Community Engagement Advisory Panel.
Parish Action Team – The Parish Action Team met in September to discuss how best to allocate the proceeds from the successful 2014 Yard Sale. Like the Yard Sale the meeting was well attended, with church members advocating for various organizations and purposes, helping the Parish Action Team to reach consensus.
As a long tradition continues, the people of St. Mark’s opened their hearts to families from Help Me Grow this Christmas. We took care of 19 families including 45 children. Each family received a generous supply of holiday and basic foods, including turkey and ham, and each child received two new gifts from their lists of wants and needs.
In addition, thanks to Joyce Probst MacAlpine and Libby Nicholson, each child received an age-appropriate new book. From Edith Meade’s collection of coloring books, puzzles, and Golden books, each child got another surprise.
For the first time this year, we saved a lot of toys and baby equipment (swing, bouncers), as well as several riding toys and many cars and trucks that went unsold at the yard sale. These were cleaned and distributed for extra play value. “Our” micro-preemie Nolan, up to newborn size at six months of age, will have a happy time in his like-new baby swing.
One of the things we saved was an excellent wooden Noah’s Ark play set, with a take-apart arks, people figures and lots of pairs of animals. We actually had two boys named Noah in the list, one the right age, so Noah and his brother Nehemiah, ages 3 and 6, received this gift. There was even a Noah book and coloring book in Edith’s box, so they will know the story too.
By the numbers, we received in contributions of money and turkeys just over $600.00. We spent $1,348 on food at Meijer’s and $64 for family needs, with the remainder of the cost covered by the yard sale proceeds. A conservative estimate of the value of the gift request items is $2,200.
Special mention goes to Don Nancarrow and Laura Nancarrow for logistical support and Katherine Wagner’s Sunday School class for decorating the boxes with Christmas pictures.
Others who did the sorting, shopping, and delivering that make this project possible were Mary-Anna and Gary Welch, Tracey Swartz, Angel and Grant Belgard, Mark Miles, Wayne Harper, Jim Pruner, Jim and Judy Rudd, all the Kreutzer family, Mike and Elizabeth Wagner, Kendall Rubino, and Carmen Davis. It took a long caravan of cars to deliver all of the gifts and food to the Help Me Grow office on Dec. 22.
This project impacts a lot of people beyond the adopted families because they often invite others to share their feast and their feeling that the community does care about those who are struggling.
Checking Account Balance: 12/17/13—————————–$1,910.76
Funds returned from 2013 Christmas Project———————–202.59
Parish Action Team——————————————————1,500.00
Christmas Project – 2013 (Food)————————————-1,400.00
DP&L (Outreach)————————————————————200.00
Vectren (Outreach) – request from Betty Coleman——————-50.00
CHECKING ACCOUNT BALANCE as of: 12/17/14————-$2,013.35
Savings Account Balance: 12/27/13—————-1,459.10
Interest credited during 2014———————————-.21
Deposit (Yard Sale Profits)—————————–5,400.00
Disbursements from Savings:
Social Concerns——————————————1,500.00
Transferred to Checking——————————–4,000.00
SAVINGS ACCOUNT BALANCE as of: 12/29/14—–$1,359.31
Checking Account Balance: 12/20/13———————80.36
Transferred from Savings———————————4,000.00
Disbursements from Checking:
Care House————————————————-1,000.00
Kemp Elementary School———————————400.00
St. Mark’s (New Table Fund)—————————–500.00
St. Mark’s (Parishioner’s Assistance Fund)———–500.00
St. Mark’s (Softball Fund)———————————-100.00
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church (Food Pantry)–500.00
CHECKING ACCOUNT BALANCE as of: 12/19/14———$80.36
PARISH LIFE: Deb Harvey & Tony Rubino
We continue to have a robust parish life here at St. Mark’s. This year we have continued to enjoy opportunities for fellowship here on the church premises and out in our community. The youth provided a fabulous Shrove Tuesday (moved to an icy Sunday) Coffee Hour. Our Sunday School Ice Cream Social was well attended, filled with fun and games, and as yummy as ever. We had a great crowd head out to both Yellow Springs for our summer family-friendly Young’s Dairy Outing and to Valley Vineyards for a great evening of adult fun.
The annual Yard Sale broke new records for both participation and the funds we raised. We enjoyed beautiful weather for our fall Praise and Picnic in the Park at Indian Riffle. We are currently in the middle of our Sunday School year, and our youth have provided coffee hours, fundraisers, interactive bulletin boards, letters and cards for our Childfund International child, and wonderful performances by our Cherub Choir.
We also collected recipes and worked together to create a Church Family Cookbook, “As We Gather at Your Table.” We sold out of all 220 copies, making a profit of over $700, which we sent to the Food Pantry at St. Paul’s UMC. Looking ahead, we are planning to create an in-house Parish Photo Directory, which will be a labor of love headed up by our very own Jenna Walch.
Special thanks to Judy Rudd and Janet Reuter for co-hosting many of our fabulous feasts, to Mike Wagner for coordinating both the Yard Sale and Praise in the Park and to Katherine Wagner for the many, many, many ways she goes above and beyond her responsibilities as our Church Secretary supporting the life of our parish.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: Carol Nancarrow
This best thing to report about Sunday School is that we reported a percentage significant increase in participation over last year, growing from 13 to 17 students in the three classes. The teachers are all veterans of many years of service.
Katherine Wagner teaches the older students before church, so they can participate in services and be acolytes. With the theme “To seek and serve Christ in all people’, they follow the church year and the readings, and since September especially, have had a concentration on community service. They recently made fleece pillows for Care House, for example.
The next younger class, approximately kindergarten to sixth grade, meets during the first part of the service, lead by Janet Reuter and Kendall Rubino. They are assisted by Ruby Webster and Carolyn Sargent for special music programs, which enrich our worship from time to time. They also hosted a very successful hot dog luncheon which raised several hundred dollars which they chose to donate to Care House.
Finally, the nursery class is led by Judy Kreutzer and Sandy Bultman. They sent several students up to the next class this fall, so right now they have a small but mighty group of toddlers, who enjoy play and appropriate religious education during the first part of the service, giving parents an appreciated opportunity to concentrate on worship and the sermon.
We finished the 2013-2014 program year with our annual ice cream social and teacher and student recognition in May, and report that the students continue their string of victories in tug of war.
Thanks to the dedication and experience of all these teachers, our young people look forward to Sunday School as a fun experience and their lives and spiritual growth are well supported at St. Mark’s.
SPORTS: Don Nancarrow
Our St Mark’s team had another successful year in the Fairborn Adult Co-ed Church League. And we and our faithful and energetic fans had a lot of fun. This year the league was again split into two divisions, recreational and social (less competitive). We played in the recreational division on Thursday nights.
Our overall record slipped a bit to break even at 7-7. We were (too) consistent as we split our records for both the regular season and the tournament. Our record for the regular season was 5-5, which placed us third out of six division teams. We lost both times we played against the two teams above us. Last year’s first place team, who got both of their losses from us then, slipped way down this year but beat us once. That leaves the tourney, in which we were 2-2 and in fourth place (after tie-breaking from third), better than sixth last year.
Our own Jennie Nicholson joined the team this year and she brought along friends Mat McHaney and Alex Blan. All three were important to the team’s success. Jim Rudd (pitched in every game) and Mat McHaney were the only players to play in all 14 games. Alex Blan, Steve Darnell, and Reggie Smith played in 13 games while Paul Maliszewski, Brian Nancarrow-Ibarra, Dave Reuter, and T. J. Walch each were in 12 games.
Paul Maliszewski was elected most valuable player (MVP) by the team. Paul came on strong in the tournament to have our top batting average with .659 (same as Reggie’s last year), followed by Alex Blan with .650 and Steve Darnel at .619. The same three had the most hits with 27, 26, and 26, respectively. Steve led our scoring with 30 runs followed by Reggie Smith with 28 and Alex, Paul, and Brian Nancarrow-Ibarra at 22 each. Paul also lead in runs batted in (RBI) with 29 followed by Alex with 25 and then another tie at 22 for Rob Reuter and Mat.
We enjoyed a fun dinner party at the home of Jim and Judy Rudd in late September. Manager Tracy Hall again got many laughs with his comments and some gag gifts for some members. Alex Blan was given the coaches’ award for men and Jenny Nicholson was selected for that award for women.
St Mark’s members on the team were: Steve Darnell, Eric Harvey, Brian Nancarrow-Ibarra, Jenny Nicholson, Dave, Eva, and Rob Reuter, Jim Rudd, and T.J. Walch along with coaches Tony Rubino and Don Nancarrow. Jenna Walch was the team photographer.
We will start practice for the 2015 season in early April, probably the 4th, and continue every Saturday until league play starts in late April or early May.
YARD SALE: Mike Wagner
We had another successful yard sale and raised another record-setting amount of money, due in large part to our dedicated volunteers. You’ll see the good things the Parish Action Team was able to do with that money elsewhere in this report. Here, I want to say “thank you!” for everyone’s volunteerism and hard work.
Once again, we enjoyed welcoming new volunteers to our Wednesday evening sorting sessions, along with our veteran workforce. The yard sale could not happen without you and your willingness to explore the unknown, aka hundreds of boxes and bags full of who-knows-what! It was great to see new relationships begin as one-time strangers became familiar acquaintances. This type of community building is as important as the money we make from the sale, and once again we were able to succeed in both areas.
This year saw some new ideas put into action, too. Adult clothing was sold outside for the first(?) time, and with a very simple pricing structure. This reduced the amount of set-up work required and we actually made more money as well. We advertised through some social media and web-based sites and actually had to put a few volunteers to work directing traffic in the parking lot in order to handle the increased attendance. We also had a truck on the property for hauling away the unsold items at the end, so we wouldn’t have to make so many trips to the Goodwill outlet. I thought that was particularly handy since the rain came right at closing time!
If you weren’t around to help last summer, I hope you can join us this summer when we get together to prepare for the 2015 yard sale. By the way, this year will be our 35th annual yard sale, so start thinking now about how to commemorate this special event!
YARD SALE: Ann Phillips
Adult Clothing——————————310.00
Baked Goods/Food————————239.85
Children’s Clothing————————-221.47
Tips (from Musicians)———————–20.00
TOTAL (All Profits)————$5,400.00
Food Expenses – $220.00—— Donated
Distribution of Profits:
Care House—————————————————————$1,000.00
Homefull – Client Assistance————————————————-$500.00
Kemp Elementary School – Clothing Assistance for Students—$400.00
MVHO-PATH – Client Assistance———————————————-$500.00
Social Concerns – Christmas Project————————————-$1,500.00
St. Mark’s – New Tables Fund————————————————$500.00
St. Mark’s – Parishioner’s Assistance Fund——————————$500.00
St. Paul’s UMC – Food Pantry————————————————$500.00
ALTAR GUILD: Janet Reuter
The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the settings for the corporate liturgical life of the congregation and caring for the sanctuary, vestments, linens, paraments and elements used in the liturgy.
Members of the Altar Guild include Alisa Harris, Carol Nancarrow, Norma Peachey, Jim Pruner, Kendall Rubino, Carolyn Sargent, Janet Reuter, and Katherine Wagner. A special welcome to Ginny Tuxhorn and Mary-Anna Welch who joined our ranks this year. Let us not forget Elizabeth Wagner, our cheerful helper whenever she is home from college. Grateful thanks to all the Altar Guild members for their dedication and faithful service over the past year. This year we said goodbye to Alisa Harris who moved out of town to be closer to her family. We will miss her faithful service and wish her Godspeed.
Thanks to the creativity and talents of Ginny Tuxhorn we now have a new Advent banner to adorn the sanctuary. Ruby Webster and Janet Reuter sewed new blue choir stoles. Additionally we purchased Advent paraments for the lectern and the pulpit. These were made by Slabbinck of Belgium and purchased locally through Dayton Church Supply using memorial funds from friends and family of Ginny Fowle, Evelyn Hogden, Nellie Shields, and Ruth Walden, all of whom were faithful members of St Mark’s Altar Guild for many years. Additional funds were used from the Samuel Griswold Memorial Fund whose mother and grandmother both served on the Altar Guild.
Because of generous donations from the congregation we have the means to purchase beautiful floral arrangements. Sincere thanks go to florist Bill Dotson at Flowerama for his outstanding floral arrangements. Especially at Christmas and Easter, Bill goes above and beyond the call of duty, setting up the arrangements in the sanctuary – often on his own time. Thanks also go to Doug Plummer, our sexton, for his assistance in keeping the sanctuary spick and span.
We welcome any other members of the parish, both men and women, who are willing to join us in this special ministry.
St Mark’s is blessed with a dedicated group of Worship Ministers who serve both as lectors and Eucharistic ministers, and young men and women of the parish who serve as acolytes. Serving as a layreader gives lay people in the congregation an opportunity to take a more active role in the service. Acolyting helps to develop responsibility in young people and provide them with the opportunity to contribute to parish life.
Lectors—————————Eucharistic Ministers——————————–Acolytes
Dwight Cass Hayward Jones Shanna Harvey
Hayward Jones Don Nancarrow Mark Kreutzer
Don Nancarrow Jim Pruner Micaela Kreutzer
Jennifer Oldstone-Moore Kendall Rubino Kaitlyn Schuler
Jim Pruner Jim Rudd Elizabeth Wagner
Jim Rudd Judy Rudd
Judy Rudd Bill Tuxhorn
Pat Tallman Elizabeth Wagner
Bill Tuxhorn Carol Williamson
Elizabeth Wagner
Gary Welch
Carol Williamson