Comments from our Rector, Mike Kreutzer…
The national church now provides a new service to look (1) at 11-year figures for “baptized members,” “worship attendance,” and “Plate / Pledge”; and (2) at some demographic data on each parish’s zip code (ours is 45431). You can find that info by going to,
and selecting “Study Your Congregation and Community,” and then choosing “Southern Ohio” as the diocese and “St. Mark’s, Dayton” as the congregation. (By the way the number for “baptized members” is just a little higher than “communicants in good standing”; I counted nine other folks this year. This category includes those who are baptized members of the church, but who do not attend and receive Communion at least 3 times per year.)
Congregational Development Is About Transformation…
All of Congregational Development and Redevelopment, and all of Stewardship are at their heart about God’s mission of transforming the world and the lives it contains.
The unit of Congregational Development produces resources for congregations and dioceses that will be useful in the ongoing work of growing healthy and vital congregations. You will find research results that will give accurate information about who we are and what we are about. You will find reporting on the 20/20 mission movement for the Episcopal Church and especially the work of the Presiding Bishop’s staff that supports and encourages the movement.
You will also find information about upcoming training events for congregational leaders. Registration information is available for conference like Plant My Church, Start Up! Start Over!, Upward Bound, Inventing the Wheel, and the Small Church Leadership Institute, in addition to many more ongoing training opportunities.