Greetings from our Rector, Mike

Welcome to St. Mark’s!



People surf the web for a variety of reasons.  Some are looking for information; some, for entertainment; and some, for connection with others.  It’s an easy and non-threatening way to do that.  Virtual relationships carry less risk than real ones.  There’s safety in anonymity.


We live a very isolating culture.  Despite rapid developments in the ways that we can communicate, it seems it gets harder and harder for people to connect with one another.  Technology gets our computers and our assorted portable electronic devices talking to one another, but what does it take to get people to connect?  Where can men, women and children come together in a safe, yet challenging environment, one that seeks to address their deepest needs?


We have found that, when we come together in God’s name, God, the Creator and Redeemer and Sanctifier of all, works in marvelous ways among us.  God, revealed to us in Jesus Christ, is there to enable us to experience the love that binds us together (with all our individual personalities and wonderful God-given uniqueness!), to fulfill our deepest longings, and lead us to serve the world in God’s name.


The Episcopal Church is a communion of churches, united in a common faith, yet we see ourselves as blessed with a great variety of viewpoints on living that faith.  We never ask you to check your mind at the door!  We serve as a “bridge church” incorporating (what we believe is) the best of both the Catholic and the Protestant traditions.


St. Mark’s is a small and welcoming church serving Beavercreek, East Dayton and Riverside – just as we have for 75 years.  As we hope you will see, we are very active throughout the community, going out and working to meet the needs of those around us.


If you live or work nearby or are passing through, come for a visit.  If you are shy or maybe a little wary of religion, e-mail me ( or give me a call (256-1082). I’d like to talk with you.


In the meantime, make yourself at home on our web site.  If we can help you in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact us.  Our goal is to serve you in order that together we might serve others in the name of Christ.