St. Mark’s Youth / Sunday School Programs

Youth Program

This group meets at 9:45 AM – 10:30 AM to discuss the role of faith in the lives of our young adults. The leader is Katherine Wagner.


St. Mark’s 3-6 Grade Program

This group meets at 9:45 AM – 10:30 AM to discuss the role of faith in the lives of our young pre-teens. The leader is Mary-Anna Welch.


Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

10:15 AM – 11:00 AM

This class shares a time of learning about the Bible and the life of the Church.  Janet Reuter and Kendall Rubino are the leaders.  The children will rejoin their parents for Holy Communion.


Nursery Program
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM


Sandy Bultman and Judy Kreutzer will be leading our youngest members in a time of stories, crafts and activities that introduce them to some of the stories of our faith and of the way that we live that faith. The children will rejoin their parents for Holy Communion.