July/August St. Mark’s 2007 Softball Team!

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Big Steve on first base!

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Who knew third basemen could be left-handed!  Right Jose!”

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Madeline cheers on the team to victory!

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Manager Tracy very briefly (ha! ha!) explains the fine art of St. Mark’s softball!

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How many softballs do I have hidden behind my back?  It looks like Kenny knows the answer!

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Okay gang… here’s another creative St. Mark’s line-up !”


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You put your right hand in. You put your right hand out. You put your right hand in and you shake it all about!

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Big Tony at bat waiting for “his” pitch!

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Missy in her favorite position behind the plate!

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Bridgett, K.T., and Lauren checking out the game!


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Don’t cry for me if we’re losing!


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The Team!