June 1 Sunday School Recognition.

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The parishioners at St. Mark’s celebrated the successful completion of another Sunday School year!

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Our Sunday School Coordinator,

Judy, informs the congregation

about this year’s very successful

Sunday School program.

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Dawn, Judy, and Sandy headed up the Nursery.

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The Nursery leaders and children.

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Don’t forget us!

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The kids receive their goodies!

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Janet and Kendall (not shown) headed up the pre-schoolers through elementary aged children.

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The teacher hands out the certificates and prizes!

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TJ and Jenna led our Young Adult class.

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St. Mark’s young adults… a really great group!

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Judy passes out their rewards.

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Teachers and some students.

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More young adults!

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Back to the young ones, this time from Children’s Chapel!

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Don’t forget us either!

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Chapel Leaders and Sunday School teachers with the kids!

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And Again!