December 13 Bishop Price visit to St. Mark’s

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  • The visit by Bishop Price to  St. Mark’s!

  • A number of visitors from St. Georges were confirmed and helped make the Bishop’s visit a huge a success!

  •      (Please scroll down to see all the photos!)


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The Service begins

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Bishop Price

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Kendall reads from the Scriptures

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George sings a Canticle

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The Sacristy

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Mary gets ready to read the Holy Gospel

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Bishop Price gets ready to welcome the new confirmands

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The laying on of hands

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The Bishop blesses the congregation

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Mike makes some announcements

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Janet receives a birthday blessing

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The Tuxhorns receive a wedding anniversary blessing

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The Bishop readies for Holy Communion

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Final stages of preparation

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Bishop Price makes some announcements

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Elizabeth leads the recessional

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The service is nearing the end

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The choir processes to the rear of the church

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The Bishop sings to the glory of God

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The Confirmands from St. George’s

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The Rev. Larsen, Kreutzer, and Slenski, and the Most Rev. Price


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Mary, Mike, and the Bishop


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Hay takes some photos!