The Service begins |
Bishop Price |
Kendall reads from the Scriptures |
George sings a Canticle |
The Sacristy |
Mary gets ready to read the Holy Gospel |
Bishop Price gets ready to welcome the new confirmands |
The laying on of hands |
The Bishop blesses the congregation |
Mike makes some announcements |
Janet receives a birthday blessing |
The Tuxhorns receive a wedding anniversary blessing |
The Bishop readies for Holy Communion |
Final stages of preparation |
Bishop Price makes some announcements |
Elizabeth leads the recessional |
The service is nearing the end |
The choir processes to the rear of the church |
The Bishop sings to the glory of God |
The Confirmands from St. George’s |
The Rev. Larsen, Kreutzer, and Slenski, and the Most Rev. Price |
Mary, Mike, and the Bishop |
Hay takes some photos! |