December 12 Bishop Breidenthal’s Visit to St. Mark’s

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  • Bishop Breidenthal’s Visit to St. Mark’s!

  • We were blessed to have a visit by our Bishop who ministered confirmation and welcoming into the Episcopal Church!

  •      (Please scroll down to see all the photos!)





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George reads the scriptures with his magnificent voice!

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The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ

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Atteh is confirmed by the Bishop!

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Okoe is confirmed by the Bishop!

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Gary receives confirmation by the Bishop!

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Mary Anna is officially welcomed into the Episcopal Church!

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Stephanie is also welcomed into the church!


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Gabe makes his escape down the main aisle as mom finally catches him!  (Good sprinting Jenna!)

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Elizabeth assists our Bishop with preparation for Holy Communion

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Holy Communion is administered!


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The Confirmands!



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The Confirmands!