January 3 The Nativity Pageant at St. Mark’s

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  • Our Nativity Pageant

  •      (Please scroll down to see all the photos!)



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The church is ready for our Pageant!

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The cast is ready to perform!

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Funny faces for the camera, please!

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The sheep are ready too!

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Shanna, Elizabeth, and Erica provide some beautiful music!

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Micaela helps with tending the sheep!


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Those piano keys are something to sing about!

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Micaela says her lines!

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Don’t forget Mark as well!

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The children sing their praises to the Lord to celebrate his birth!

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Us sheep have to eat as well!


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The angelic sisters!

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And don’t forget us kings as well!  We are bearing gifts, you know!

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What does this say?  Us sheep like to know these things!

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More praises to the Lord as the pageant comes to a grand finale!

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Our beautiful Christmas banner!  Thanks Ginny for all your hard work!


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Our crèche figures!

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Mike prepares for Holy Communion!

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A view of our beautiful Sanctuary from the back!

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Many thanks to our very talented organist, Donna who provides us with such lovely music every week!


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And finally, don’t forget to help with Coffee Hour!


Thanks to our three photographers, Hay, Katherine, and Tony!