St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary
Faith, Science, and Understanding by John Polkinghorne
Discussion Led By Prof. George John
Sunday, October 2, 2005
>> Evolution of theological and religious content in school texts and teaching in public schools.
>> Wm. Jennings Bryan’s concerns about teaching evolution
>> Rise of Social Darwinism and eugenics — supported by Christians who accepted evolution and survival of the fittest.
>> Rise of fundamentalists and its evolution
>> Response of scientific community via pamphlets
>> Despite wide distribution pamphlets had minimal impact
>> Variety of non-conventional attempts to describe God and religion as being consistent
I. Part I. Theology of Creation
A. Profession of Faith: the Creed
B. Bible -Genesis 1 & 2 and theological truths
1. Transcendence and immanence of God
2. not How but What God gives
C. God’s relation to humanity expressed in poetry and metaphor
D. Theology of Creation as discussed in last three items
II. Part II. Creation and Science I
A. Scientific knowledge and Biblical knowledge
1. Bible contains all things necessary to salvation
2. Bible does not contain all necessary truths about everything else
3. Bible is not a divinely dictated scientific textbook
B. Is there science in Bible?,
1. How to interpret
2. How to deal with apparent conflicts with science
C. Contemporary Cosmology
1. “Big Bang”
2. Current concepts of the Universe or Cosmos
3. Evolution of Cosmos
D. Biological evolution
1. What is it?
2. Evidence-fossil record, biogeography, and genetics
E. A Theology of God’s role consistent with findings of science
1. Interaction not intervention
2. secondary causes vice Primary Cause
F. Evolution
1. Why hostility
2. Young and old earth creationists
3. Intelligent Design