St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary
“A Wing and A Prayer”, by Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori
Group Discussion Series Led By Rev. Mike Kreutzer
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Introduction: “Wild Blue Yonder!”
Mike began the meeting by explaining that this series would be based around group discussion of reading the short chapters of the book. There would be no set agenda as in previous adult education sessions. The books had just arrived and most participants did not have a chance to read any of the chapters. So Mike thought it would be a good idea just to read the introduction to the group to begin understanding Jeffert Schori’s main messages she was trying to convey.
As an avid aviator, Jefferts Schori compares the Holy Spirit with a headwind. We don’t know exactly how it will move us. She then wonders how we will react to such situations as the abuse of children in America or the starvation in India and other countries. The Spirit comforts us at the Eucharist as we are transformed into new people. “We are all afloat in the sea of the Spirit!”
There are many languages and ways to receive the Spirit and ways to praise God. We need to be eager and open to receive the Spirit… to “drink in God!” Breathe deeply, receive the Spirit, and change the world!
Group discussion ensued. There are many things in the world that are beyond our control. So where is the Spirit leading us? At the Diocesan meeting last week, Bishop Breidenthal noted that his vision is to let the members of the entire Diocese determine its own path. He will serve more as an editor to pull the various ideas together. It was also noted how the Presiding Bishop emphasized the interdependency of all peoples in her book. At the recent Habitat dedication, Gordon Price noted that Christ will come again… through us! Another example was how St. Christopher’s came to be as the “accidental church” via. a mix-up in the counting and registering of the votes.