St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary
Session Four: From Age to Age
By Edward Foley
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Frankish Domination: 750 to 1073
anonymous (9th century, Latin)
56, O come, O come, Emmanuel
60, Creator of the stars of night
360/361, Only begotten, Word of God
503/504, Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
anonymous (10th century, Latin)
1/2, Father, we praise thee, now the night is over
38/39, Jesus, Redeemer of the world
133/134, O Light of Light, Love given birth
anonymous (11th century, Latin)
122/123, Alleluia, song of gladness
anonymous (10th century, Mozarabic)
33/34/35, Christ, mighty Savior, Light of all creation
Alcuin (735-804)
465/466, Hail this joyful day returns
Joseph the Hymnographer (9th century)
237, Let us now our voices raise
Rabanus Maurus (776-856)
282/283, Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels
501/502, O Holy Spirit, by whose breath
Synesius of Cyrene (375? – 414?)
641/798, Lord Jesus, think on me
Theodulph of Orleans (d. 821)
154/155, All glory, laud, and honor
Wigbert (Wipo of Burgnudy, d. 1050)
183, Christians, to the Paschal victim known