St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary
Christian Households: A Sanctification of Nearness
A Study Led By Rev. Michael Kreutzer and Rev. Deacon Mary Slenski
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Chapters 6, 7, & 8:
“Familiar Disciplines and the Moral Life,” “Same Sex Unions,” and “The Gift and Heritage of Children”
These chapters were discussed by the group with comments to follow:
The needs of the family parallel the needs of the wider world. How did the author arrive at the list in chapter six? How do non-Christian households relate to those things? If they follow the guidelines, even non-Christian households demonstrate holiness. Loving you neighbor as yourself comes from many traditions. The question about the couple who do not have any children seemed like a strong statement. Of course, there are many couples who want children, but are unable to have them. Can one conclude then that nearness, non-abusiveness, commitment, etc. are more important than sexual orientation? The word “neighbor” has a precise definition. There was also much to be discussed about the monastic model but not much said about single person households.