Sunday, Mar 29, 2009: “Christian Households: The Sanctification of Nearness: Ch 3,4,&5”

St. Mark’s Adult Education Meeting Summary
Christian Households: A Sanctification of Nearness
A Study Led By Rev. Michael Kreutzer and Rev. Deacon Mary Slenski
Sunday, March 29, 2009


Chapters 3, 4, & 5:


“Redeeming the Familiar,” “The Patriarchal Household,” and “Care in the Christian Household”  


These chapters were discussed by the group with comments to follow:


These chapters covered a lot of ground!  The author thinks quite differently than I do!  Paul’s and Timothy’s work is the same type or relationship as in the Middle East.  There are parallels between monastic households and traditional families.  The author tries to deny what some of the texts say, instead of just saying it was part of the culture.  The author expanded on the different types of households.  The extended family is much broader than what we normally think.  Today’s families have become very insular as they typically don’t look at the wider role of community.  When Paul spoke of “households” this included servants, children, shop workers, women with other outside connections, etc.  We need to adopt a broader view of households and not just on the narrow “us.”  There is a difference in how things are shared between those living at home and those who are together in a work environment.  You can get away from your work group, but you cannot always get away from those you live with at home!  Next the definition of “redeeming the familiar” was asked.  It is when you find the “holy” in the every day.  The term “nearness” is very important as it defines the close bond and relationships between people.  We are preparing hear on earth what we will ultimately share in heaven.