Upcoming Events
July 7 7th Sunday after Pentecost and CARE House Sunday
July 8 Deadline to get items to the office for announcements mailing
July 9 Softball at 7:00 p.m.
July 10 St. Arbuck’s (10:00 a.m.) and Shawarma and Psalms (6:30 p.m.)
July 14 8th Sunday after Pentecost
Canterbury Court (CCT) Ministry Opportunities
Arts & Crafts Classes: Provide materials and conduct class for “Make it & Take it” classes for
10 residents of CCT at 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. on June 17, July 15, and/or August 19. Contact
Jim Rudd if you are interested in any of those dates
Annual Friends Luncheon: Provide chicken noodle soup for 20 people to Jim Rudd
on June 23. Provide dessert (cookies or brownies) for 20 people to Jim Rudd on June 23.
Clip Clip Clip—Scissor donations requested
Hope4Riverside continues its yearly school supplies drive. (Wait! Didn’t we start
summer vacation just yesterday?) St. Mark’s has offered to provide scissors for
grades PreK-5. The cost is $400. Cash donations are acceptable. Please see Jim
Rudd for more information.
St. Paul’s Food Pantry
In conjunction with the Greater Dayton Food Pantry, volunteers, and the many local
businesses that generously donate a wide variety of food products, we strive to
address food insecurity in our neighborhood by operating a food pantry.
We try to keep it stocked with appropriate items that can sustain life for impoverished
individuals and families. We operate a “choice” pantry, which can best be described
as a very small grocery store in the church basement. Each client is escorted through
one at a time and offered a choice of items, depending on availability. We also have
a hospitality room run by volunteers for clients to take a coffee or refreshment while
waiting to be served. We try to make a trip to our food pantry a pleasant experience,
a blessing for those in need. We strive to live up to the words from that hymn on
Christian Love that urges us “to guard each one’s dignity and save each one’s pride!”
Your donations of shelf-stable food items can be dropped off in the baskets in the
narthex. We do designate the third Sunday of the month as HUNGER Sunday, but
these donations are welcome every week. Hunger doesn’t take a holiday.
Prayer Retreat presented by Forward Movement
Led by Scott Gunn and Miriam McKenney July 8-10 at the Transfiguration Community Center in Cincinnati.
A disciple’s work begins in prayer. Spend time deepening your prayer life in communi-ty with others at the beautiful Transfiguration Spirituality Center. $200 all inclusive; $120 for Diocese of Southern Ohio members; $75 commuter rate. Meals and lodging are included. Register at fowardmovement.org.
St. Arbuck’s Coffee Ministry
Be a part of local witness to God’s love and St. Mark’s fellowship. Join us at the Star-bucks Café inside the Kroger store across the street. Spend the morning or just stop by for a few minutes. Evangelism goes down better with a Capuchino! Plus, you can shop for the St. Paul’s Food Pantry while you’re there!
On-line Giving to St. Mark’s
To pay your pledge or donate for an event follow these instructions: Text
“LIONGIVING” to 73256 to give using your mobile device.
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messages, text STOP.
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QR code below. Select the “browser” option and you can pay
your pledge or make a donation there.
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