Mesi Merci Thank you

Whether we say it in Creole, French or English, thank you to the many people who have pitched in to help rebuild Holy Trinity Cathedral in Haiti. Already congregations and individuals have raised nearly $19,000 toward our matching goal of $30,000.


Although we will continue to receive donations, the opportunity to have your contribution matched by the Bishop through the Procter Fund expires on Shrove Tuesday. If you’ve been meaning to join in, please make a check payable to Rebuild Our Church and drop it in the offering plate today.


Many hands make light work, or as they say in Haiti, “Men anpil chay pa lou.”  And to all of you who have already lent a hand, Mèsi.


Contributions should be sent to: Diocese of Southern Ohio, 412 Sycamore St., Cincinnati, OH 45202 – ATTN: Haiti or, if you wish to donate securely online, visit