Once again we will help needy families with gifts for their children and food for their larders.
Dates to keep in mind…
Nov. 23 & 30: cards available with a request for something each child needs and something they want. Please pick up a card (or two!) in the Lounge.
Dec 14: Gift ingathering. Please return all gifts (unwrapped), as we will have a special blessing for the children who will enjoy them.
Dec 22: Food shopping, sorting, and delivery.
There will be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for those able to help on Dec. 19. If you have any questions, contact Carol Nancarrow.
Join us TOMORROW at 9:00am for food shopping, sorting, and delivery! Wear your comfy shopping shoes & get ready to shop at Meijer for our families. Then head back & help sort everything we bought. If you can stay a bit longer & help deliver all these goodies, please let Carol know. We can use lots of vehicles!