* * * AUGUST 16 * * *
YARD SALE Drop-Offs began July 14!
Regular Collection hours:
Sunday–Friday 9:00am–Noon
We’re gearing up for our largest fundraiser of the year! Bring your treasures to the Fellowship Room every day except Saturday; you can leave everything on the floor under the YARD SALE sign which hangs from the ceiling (please don’t put stuff on the tables)
We can use clothes, electronics, dishes, furniture, linens, books, DVDs, CDs, Christmas items, crafts, toys, and other miscellaneous stuff! Proceeds support our mission projects, so
¨ CLEAN out your garage & attic
¨ LOOK under the beds
¨ GO THROUGH your books & movies
…and bring it all to us!
Call Mike Wagner
or the Office at 256-1082
Please do not leave anything outside!
Join us on WEDNESDAYS at 6:30 pm for
sorting all these treasures!