St. Mark’s is beginning its 14th year
of a School-Church partnership with
Kemp School in Dayton.
In addition to providing
one-on-one tutoring to students
at Kemp, we also donate much-
needed supplies for the students.
Keep an eye out for school
supplies sales; there will
be a collection box in
the Narthex SOON!
Items Needed by Kemp School
Book bags
School boxes
No. 2 pencils (fat and skinny)
Crayons (boxes of 8, 16, or 24 only)
Colored pencils
Blue, black, and red pens
Pencil bags
Pocket folders
3-ring binders (1 1/2 —2 inches)
Wide-ruled loose leaf paper
Wide-ruled, one-subject notebooks
Portfolio-type folders with pockets
Steno or spiral notebooks
Large erasers
Blunt scissors (no points)
Glue sticks & white Elmer’s Glue
Small calculators
Protractors & compasses
Tissues, Baby wipes