Canterbury Court is a retirement community located in West Carrollton that is owned and managed by Episcopal Retirement Homes (ERH). It is a HUD-Sponsored independent living community of 150 one- and two-bedroom apartments for age and income-qualified seniors and adults with mobility impairments. A positive environment is created and programs are provided to keep residents active and engaged. You are invited to attend a tour of Canterbury Court on Thursday, September 24th at 7:00 p.m. After the tour, refreshments will be served and you will have an opportunity to meet some of the residents. Please consider participating in the tour and learning more about the volunteer opportunities of one of St. Mark’s primary outreach ministries.
No time to volunteer? No problem! You can still be a Canterbury Court Community Angel. The Staff of Canterbury Court needs a list of people they can call when they need small items donated (baking supplies, White Elephant gifts, etc.). They would also like to know your occupation. Sometimes, they need advice on projects or purchases. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
If you would like to attend the tour or be a Canterbury Court Community Angel, please contact Jim Rudd.