2018 St. Mark’s Stewardship Campaign


Update: November 19:

All pledges received to date will be gathered together and presented as a special offering during our worship service today.  Many thanks to everyone who supported the 2018 St. Mark’s Stewardship Campaign. 


If you have not submitted a pledge to date but would still like to do so, you are highly encouraged to submit your pledge ASAP.  Every pledge is direly needed and greatly appreciated to allow our parish to fulfill its mission to do God’s work.



Update: November 12:

Next Sunday, November 19, we will gather the pledges of financial support for our Parish for 2018 and submit them as an offering during our worship service on that day.  If you have already turned in your pledge form – Thank you!    If you have misplaced your pledge form, please call the church office or see Jim Rudd, our Stewardship Chairperson. 


Pledges are not contracts.  They are statements of intent made in faith.  They are a great help to our Vestry in their planning and can always be revised if there are changes in your life.



Update: November 5:

Two weeks from today, Nov. 19, we will gather the pledges of financial support for our Parish for 2018 and submit them as an offering during our worship service on that day. 


If you have already turned in your pledge form – Thank you!  If you have misplaced your pledge form, please call the church office or see Jim Rudd, our Stewardship Chairperson. 


Pledges are not contracts.  They are statements of intent made in faith.  They are a great help to our Vestry in their planning and can always be revised if there are changes in your life.



October 29:

We are asked to use our abundant gifts with which we have been blessed to do God’s work in this world.  We are expected to grow those gifts and use them wisely as we attend to the needs of those less fortunate than ourselves. 


During this Stewardship Campaign, may we give in worship and appreciation to God for our many blessings and as a statement of our faith that He will continue to provide for our own needs.