NOV 29

The Rector Interview Committee met with the Bishop’s candidate via Zoom on Tuesday, Nov. 17, and voted unanimously to recommend to the Vestry that they approved this candidate. The Vestry had an in-person meeting with the candidate yesterday, Tuesday, Nov. 24, and spent a couple of hours with an informal Q&A, light lunch, and facilities tour (all following current pandemic protocols.) The Vestry met last night via Google Meets, and after a thorough discussion, voted unanimously to request the Bishop to appoint the candidate as our Priest-in-Charge. The Senior Warden contacted the Bishop last night, and got the ball officially rolling. After all the details are worked out, the Vestry will announce the name of our new priest.
Many thanks to the Search/Interview Committee for their months of work and the Vestry for meeting on a few hours’ notice on more than one occasion. A special shout-out to Janet Reuter for putting together a wonderful lunch yesterday on such short notice!



NOV 22

The Interview Committee has met virtually with the top candidate, and unanimously recommended to the Vestry to offer them the position.  Plans are being made for the Vestry to meet the candidate in person as soon as possible.  Once that visit is complete, the Vestry will vote on whether to offer the position; if so, the Bishop will be notified and the call issued.  We could be nearing the end of this part of the journey!


We’ll keep you updated as much as possible!.



NOV 15

The Interview Committee has received information on the top candidate, and they will schedule a virtual interview with that person as quickly as possible. If recommended to the Vestry for approval, there will be a visit to St Mark’s to meet the Vestry in mid-November. The Vestry will then vote to approve the candidate. If the Vestry chooses not to approve, then the process will begin again with the second choice.


We’ll keep you updated as much as possible!




We have a couple of possible candidates that have been vetted by Bp. Ken Price & Fr. Jason Leo, and the Interview Committee should receive information on the top candidate sometime next week. They will schedule a virtual interview with that person as quickly as possible, and if recommended to the Vestry for approval, there will be a visit to St Mark’s to meet the Vestry in mid-November. The Vestry will then vote to approve the candidate. If the Vestry chooses not to approve, then the process will begin again with the second choice.


We’ll keep you updated as much as possible!