Rector Search Committee

Now that we have an interim rector assigned, we can begin the process of searching for a new, full-time replacement for Fr. Mike.


This will start with creating a SEARCH COMMITTEE: parishioners who are willing to devote their time and talents to creating a parish profile, getting the word out (with assistance from the DSO), evaluating resumes, interviewing candidates, and making the choice.  The committee members are held to the highest standards of maintaining confidentiality; even the Vestry doesn’t know who is being considered for the rector position.


To be considered, you must be:

A team player & person of prayer

Able to use technology/internet

A communicant in good standing

Willing to work for the good of the church


Interested?   Submit a completed Nomination Form (available in the Narthex  and office, or by email request)

no later than Sunday, Feb 16, to either of the Vestry Wardens.