The Most Rev. Michael Curry
statement on the violence in
the Land of the Holy One
“One more time we awake to the news of violence. Reports come in, even as you read this, about violence that has caused death, life-changing injury and destruction of property and lives. Violence which is borne of frustration, rooted in injustice and the violation of international law and in truth, the violation of human rights and human decency. In the Name of the God of all creation, the violence must stop, regardless of where it comes from and to whom it is directed.
One more time The Episcopal Church stands to say that violence is not the way forward. We say the expansion of Israeli settlements at the expense of Palestinian families must end. We say incitement which encourages violence must end. We say enough is enough.
One more time The Episcopal Church encourages the government of the United States and others who have influence, who are of goodwill and who genuinely seek peace to be partners in peacemaking, to bring about a negotiated settlement to the long-standing conflict which has consumed both Israelis and Palestinians.
One more time we find ourselves full of sorrow and sadness. We find ourselves grieving over the loss of life, destruction of homes and the fear that lives in the hearts of tens of thousands of innocent people. We join all people of faith to offer up prayers for healing, wholeness, restoration and reconciliation.
And we pray God to grant wisdom and courage to all those in authority to seek peace and pursue it without delay, without excuses, without confusion and with only one agenda: a negotiated and equitable agreement for peace between Israelis and Palestinians — once and for all.”