In accordance with the latest CDC recommendations and DSO guidelines, we’re ready to open up!
Beginning Sunday, July 4:
MASKS are not required; however, the CDC strongly recommends that if you have not been vaccinated that you continue to wear masks in crowds. We also encourage our parishioners and guests to wear a mask if they are more comfortable doing so.
SOCIAL DISTANCING restrictions are lifted: you may sit where you want, with whom you want. If you’d prefer to have some distance between you and others, please let the ushers know, and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.
At the PEACE, we ask that you stay in your pew rather than moving around to greet people. Those who wish to shake hands may do so; otherwise, feel free to wave, nod, or make the Peace sign with your hand.
COMMUNION will be distributed in both kinds. Since the DSO allows for full communion with intinction only, there will be a Eucharistic Minister on each side of the celebrant with wine in a shallow bowl, not a chalice. After you receive the Host, approach the EM on the appropriate side of the aisle; she will offer you the bowl to dip the Host. You may consume it immediately, rather than waiting to return to your seat.
BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY PRAYERS: if you are comfortable doing so, please approach the celebrant for your blessing. You are welcome to stay in your pew if you prefer.
THE COLLECTION PLATE and BIRTHDAY BANK will remain in the center aisle for easy access
THE BAPTISMAL FONT will be at the back of the church, with Holy water in a bowl. Those who wish to dip their fingers in and cross themselves are encouraged to do so.
COFFEE HOUR will continue to be outdoors, weather permitting. If not, we’ll move it indoors to the Fellowship Room; this will be decided weekly as necessary. The DSO recommends that food items be individually wrapped, or directly served onto plates rather than share common utensils.
Hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipes will continue to be available
Click HERE for the current DSO guidelines.