Memorial Service for Ginny Fowle
* Thursday, December 30, 7:00pm
One of the many gifts bestowed upon us by God is time. We are merely stewards of that most precious gift. It is invested most wisely when it is shared with those most needy. As stated by my wife, Judy, in the stewardship message I shared with those of you present during the two worship services on October 17, 2004: “It’s amazing what a small amount of our time can accomplish and what it can mean to another individual, be it child or adult. God gave us all time, so what are we going to do with it?” Please return your pledge form on time so it can be included as an offering during our worship services of November 21, 2004. Thank you.
Jim Rudd
Stewardship Chairperson
Please plan on joining us today, on Sunday, December 19th, immediately after the 10:30 am service for a Soup Luncheon and to decorate the church for the Christmas Season.
Decorating the Sanctuary for Christmas
We welcome volunteers to help decorate our sanctuary for Christmas. The decorating will take place today, Sunday, December 19, after the 10:30 service.
There is a sign-up sheet if you would like to make or bring something immediately across form the Church office. Please sign-up if you plan to attend so that we know how many tables to set-up.
On the 2nd Sunday in December
is the Ingathering for Please remember to bring your
BLUE BOXES. Late offerings gladly accepted!
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sorting after the 10:30 am service on, Dec. 19th. |
The Christmas Project
is beginning!
This Sunday, November 21,
the gift requests will be available for selection after both services.
We are again assisting families from
Help Me Grow,
a program for at-risk young children.
Also, please check the bulletin board to sign up for sorting gifts on Dec. 19 and food shopping and delivery on December 21.
For more information, contact
Carol Nancarrow.
Practice will be on SATURDAY December 11 at 10:00 am.
Thank you, for all who attended the service where the members of Faith Lutheran and St. Mark’s Lutheran Churches joined ours on Thanksgiving Eve. The offering collected has been donated to the Food Pantry at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. We sent St. Paul’s a check for $331.28 ,which combined this offering of $192.30, and $138.89 from the Day of Change to help to feed the hunger here in Dayton. Thanks again for your generosity.
An Adult Forum Special Event
In response to the controversy following the Episcopal Church’s last General Convention, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams established a commission to study and report back to the entire Anglican Communion on the current situation and on the future of our life together as a Communion. On October 18 the Commission released
“The Windsor Report.”
On Wednesday, December 1, from 11:00 until 11:50, and on Sunday, December 5, from 9:15 until 10:10 (both sessions will be in the Lounge), Mike Kreutzer will review The Windsor Report for anyone who is interested. We will look at the report as a whole: at what it says about the current situation, and about what it says about the broader issues of how we see ourselves as a Communion of Churches, the responsibilities that we have toward one another, the way we address divisive issues, etc.
Please join us!
If you haven’t heard Evensong for a while, you are cordially invited to come to St. Andrew’s Church for
in honor of St. Nicholas of Myra
Sunday, December 5, 2004
St. Andrew’s Church
1060 Salem Avenue
Dayton, Ohio
A recital by Kevin Rose will precede Evensong at 3.30 p.m. Evensong begins at 4.00. Light refreshments will be offered after the service.
Please plan to join the other members of our church, together with members of Faith Lutheran and St. Mark’s Lutheran Church for a Service of Thanksgiving.
It will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 24, evening at 7:30 here at St. Mark’s.
A reception will follow.
Fall 2004
You have an opportunity to order
· T-shirts $11.00
· Sweatshirts $15.50
· Polo shirts $17.50
To place an order please contact
Adrienne Ingram or
phone the church office.
Christ Episcopal Church,
20 West First Street
in downtown Dayton,
presents “Pops & Pipes!”,
a gala concert of fun and familiar music Nov 21 at
4:00 pm, celebrating the church’s newly restored
pipe organ. Organist Yun Kyong Kim will perform,
with special guests Jeffrey Schoyen (cello) and Jim
McCutcheon (guitar). The event will serve as a
benefit for mission work of the Community of the
Cross of Nails. Suggested donation $10,
with a complimentary wine and cheese
reception following the concert.
For more information, call 223-2239.
Gift Wrap for Habitat for Humanity
At Town & Country Shopping Center
Needed 1 person per shift on
Sunday, November 21
(12:00-2:00) (2:30-5:00)
Monday-Wednesday, November 22-24
(10:00-2:00) (2:00-6:00) (6:00-9:00)
if you are interesting in working please call Kendall Rubino.
St. Mark’s Adult Forum November 2004 |
The sign-up list is on the main bulletin board,
across from the church office.
Finding My Way Home
by Henri J.M. Nouwen
On the four Sundays of November, we will be discussing the four chapters of this thought-provoking book. Their titles are:
> The Path of Power
> The Path of Peace
> The Path of Waiting
> The Path of Living and Dying
Here is an excerpt:
“We are living in a culture that measures the value of the human person by degrees of success and productivity. What is your title? How much money do you make? How many friends do you have? What are your accomplishments? How busy are you? What do your children do? But it is important for us to remember that as we grow older our ability to succeed in this way gradually diminishes. We lose our titles, our friends, our accomplishments, and our ability to do many things, because we begin to feel weaker, more vulnerable, and more dependent.
“Do we dare to look at weakness as an opportunity to become fruitful? Fruitfulness in the spiritual life is about love and this fruitfulness is very different from success or productivity.”
[Henri J.M. Nouwen is considered one of the great spiritual writers of modern times. For the last ten years of his life, he lived with physically and mentally challenged people at L”Arche Daybreak community in Toronto, Canada. His more than 40 books include Sabbatical Journey and Life of the Beloved. Henri Nouwen died in 1996. For more information about Henri Nouwen you may contact the Henri Nouwen Literary Centre at]
At Christ Episcopal Church
On November 9, 10, 11, 12
From 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Come Downtown for the 75th year of delicious waffles and other homemade lunch items like: waffles, sausage, soup, sandwiches, pie, and baked goods to go.
Dine In or Carry Out.
You can even fax in an order @ 223-2416
There will also be: Recycled Treasures, Elsie’s Attic, Sally’s Alley, Raffles, Homemade Gifts, and A Bazaar.
Proceeds to Dayton Charitable Organizations.
For more information on this event
please call 223-2239.
On this All Saints Day we remember
those who passed away this year:
Sarah Carr
Daniel Marquette
Mary Glaser
Louise Klaassen
Mildred Patterson
Nellie Shields
Roy Shurman
Emily Edwards
Michael Shama
Louise Bryarly
Please welcome Erin Varner
She is our new Nursery Attendant.
She will be here on Sunday mornings
from 9 till 11:30.
Loose change for “Day of Change” is still being collected today! Thank you in advance for your generosity.
This Sunday, Oct. 24th, from 6-8pm
Admission is a bag of candy per family. Costume contest, please donate cakes for our cake walk. Come for fun & games.
The Rev. Roger and Mrs. Mary Rollins
Have asked us to invite you to join them for the free seminar,
at Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Church on today, Sunday, October 24 from 3-5pm.
This is a Panel Seminar and the subjects discussed are:
· Health care resources
· Palliative care
· Living Wills
· Hospice care
· Durable Power of Attorney
· Durable Power of Attorney for Health
· Durable Power of Attorney for Finances
· Ohio’s Do Not Resuscitate law
Refreshments will be served
For more information on this event please contact Roger and Mary Rollins.
Adult Forum (September – October 2004)
9:15 – 10:15 in the Lounge
(11:00 – 11:50 in the Lounge on Wednesday)
A Bible Study of Genesis 12-50
As we announced last week, Bishop Thompson has invited the people of the Dayton Deanery (and the Northwest Deanery) to join the people of St. Paul’s Church in Chillicothe for worship next Sunday, October 17, at 9:30. The Bishop’s intention is to support and encourage them during this difficult time in their life and ministry. Approximately 70 priests and deacons joined with Bishops Thompson and Price at a special service last Sunday afternoon.
Community United Methodist Women
are inviting the Ladies of St. Mark’s
to an Interfaith Luncheon
on Tuesday, October 12th at 11:30am.
Following lunch there will be a visit from Betsy Ross.
Please reserve a seat by October 8th.
For more information and reservations please contact:
Freda Schug at 426-0403
or the CUMC office at 253-5169.
See the Church Office for
the Stahlmans’ new address.
There is also a letter from Kathy on the main
bulletin board, across from the office.
PAT – the Parish Action Team – will hold a meeting for all interested parishioners Sunday, October 3, in the Lounge immediately after the 10:30 service.
The purpose for the meeting will be to decide how to use the funds raised at the recent parish Yard Sale.
There will be a YOUTH GROUP MEETING hosted by Rev. Deacon George Snyder and by Judy Kreutzer after the main service on Sunday, October 3. Pizza and refreshments will be served! Please try and attend as this meeting will serve to plan the Youth Group functions for the remainder of the church year (and should be fun as well)!
Hosted by the Jr./Sr. High
On Sunday, October 24th
at 6-8 pm
Lots of fun and games.
An Adult / Kid costume judging contest.
Admission is a bag of candy per family.
Also donations for cake walks are needed.
Ciara Ann McLean was born on September 15th. She weighed 7 lbs. and was 20 ” long. Ciara, her parents Linette and Wade, and big brothers Tyler, Dylan, and Hayden are all doing well.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet Next Sunday, September 26, in the Lounge immediately after the 10:30 service.
We welcomed today (Sep 19) into God’s kingdom Khidany Nadid Ruiz-Rodriguez who was baptized at the 10:30 AM service today.
Our Annual Parish Picnic
will be Sunday, September 12th.
We will have our 10:30 a.m. service
at the park, followed by a picnic.
· Place: Riverside Community Park. Sign-up sheets and directions are posted across from Father Mike’s Office.
· St. Mark’s will proved: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Condiments, Chips, Cold Refreshments, and all Paper Products.
· You Should bring: Lawn chairs and/or a blanket, a side dish or dessert. We would also like someone to bring tomatoes, lettuce, and/or onions.
Any questions please see Vic Howarah
Do You Have A Song In Your Heart?
While the choir takes a well-deserved vacation until the first rehearsal on September 1st, special summer music can be provided by individuals and small groups. Non-choir singers and instrumentalists are also invited to share their gifts at a Sunday service. Please sign up on the list posted on the bulletin board.
Yard Sale
Items for the yard sale to be held on
August 28th can be dropped off at the church. All donations are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
We NEED MORE volunteers !!!
to help with the sorting for the Yard Sale.
Workers will meet each Wednesday
mornings at 10:00 – Noon and evenings at 7:30 – 9:00.
For more information please call Edie Meade or
Gary Browning. Thanks!
Wellness Oasis
At Canterbury Court
Monday, Aug. 30
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
FREE health and wellness activities, screenings, and demonstrations.
For more information call Rhonda Johnson at
(877) 461-3862.
All are invited to the
St. Andrew’s Community Songfest Sunday August 29 at 4 p.m.
1060 Salem Ave., Dayton, OH 45406
Soloists, instrumentalists, good clean fun and refreshments are some of the highlights.
Sunday, August 15th At 2:00 P.M.Dayton
Dragons vs. West Michigan Whitecaps
Tickets are $9.00 each.
There are only 40 tickets available.
Please sign up early.
Please see Vic Howarah for your tickets.
Giving Strings
The 5th anniversary concert
by students and adults
benefiting Care House,
a local advocacy center for
abused and neglected children.
The concert will begin at 7 p.m. on Saturday, August 14,
in the 100 Block of Lonsdale Ave
in Oakwood.
Free Admission – donations welcome.
Bring a blanket or chair.
For more information call 294-1089.
Thanks to all who attended the
Giving Strings Concert
on Aug. 14th.
Due to the wonderful turnout the group was able to raise $4245 to benefit Care House a local advocacy center for abused and neglected children.
St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church1
is hosting a Summer Arts program
July 19-23. 8:45 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.
The multi-cultural, interfaith art camp
is for children in grades 5-6.
There is no charge to participate.
For more information,
contact St. Margaret’s at 937.837.7741
or e-mail,
Caring for God’s Creation
Janet Reuter will be leading a Special Summer Program each Sunday morning. It is geared toward children from pre-school through 4th grade, and will take place in the preschool – 1st grade classroom on the second floor of our Community Building.
Using stories, crafts, and recycling projects, these fun sessions will help our children learn what it means to say that we are all stewards of the natural environment and that we are called to help preserve and restore the air, water, and land on which life depends.
Sessions will be at 10:30 AM (9:30 AM in July). The children will be brought to the sanctuary to rejoin their parents at The Peace.
We need adults and older students to assist with the program. Please contact Janet Reuter to volunteer.
Annual trip to
Valley Vineyard Winery
Morrow, Ohio
On Saturday, July 17th
Reservations for 5:30pm.
Cost $45 per couple or $22.50 per single person.
Cost includes:
10-12oz NY Strip Steak
Complete Salad/ Side Dish/ Dessert Bar
1 bottle of wine. (2 glasses of wine for singles.)
Folks can also do wine tasting prior to selection their wine.
Sign-up sheets and directions are posted outside Father Mike’s Office.
Meet at the Winery -or- at the Church at 4:00pm for a carpool / caravan.
Last day to sign-up is Sunday, July 11th.
Rector’s Continuing Education
All clergy in the Episcopal Church are expected to do some continuing education each year. In this diocese, the standard calls for me to do at least two weeks of study each year. Each parish is to set aside at least $1000 to pay for that education.
Beginning tomorrow morning, I will be participating in a two-week graduate program at U.D. titled, “The Mystery of God and Human Experience.” The class will explore the role of experience and imagination in developing a theology for the 21st century.
Officially, I will not be in the office the next two weeks. Rachel, our secretary, will be in the office during her usual hours: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, plus 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM on Tuesdays.
I plan to arrive almost on time to lead the Wednesday noon services. Since George has graciously agreed to be our homilist, I will also preside at both services next Sunday. On Sunday July 4, the Rev. Canon Vicki Zust will preside and preach at our single, 9:30 AM service.
If you have any special needs during this time, please contact one of our Wardens. In case of emergency, you can leave a message for me at home.
A Change in
Secretary / Bookkeeper
Lauren Gleason’s last day as our secretary / bookkeeper will be Wednesday, March 31. We will her Godspeed as she moves to Columbus.
We welcome to St. Mark’s our new secretary / bookkeeper,
Rachel Huffman, who began working with us on March 10.
Please join us for
our annual trip to
Young’s Jersey Dairyon Sunday, June 20th, immediately after the 10:30am service.
Please sign up to attend on the bulletin board across from Fr. Mike’s office.
There’s also a menu posted for you to look at.
See you there!
Vacation Bible School!!
This Week
Children in pre-school through 6th grade join us in the jungles of Lava Lava Island! You’ll enjoy Bible Point crafts and exciting games, experience thrilling Bible stories, sample tasty snacks, and hear unforgettable music. Plus you’ll meet lots of new friends!
At Community United Methodist Church
on June 21st – 25th
at 6:30pm to 8:30pm.
St. Mark’s together with Community United Methodist Church and Eastmont United Methodist Church will once again be holding a joint Vocational Bible School. Please see Janet Reuter for registration forms or contact the church office. Volunteers of all ages are needed. If you would be willing to help with this fun activity, please contact Janet Reuter.
Habitat for Humanity
A big thanks for all those who were able to help with the Habitat For Humanity!
Congratulations Graduates !!!
Diane Doran
Graduating from Lake Forest College
Christine Browning
Graduating from Beavercreek High School
Megan Rubino
Graduating from Beavercreek High School
Brent Stalman
Graduating from Fairborn High School
May 2004
Congratulations to George Snyder
who, following classes this Friday,
retires after 35 years of teaching!
Adult Forum Field Trip
All interested parishioners are invited visit the recently remodeled sanctuary of St. Helen’s Church. Father Paul DeLuca, pastor of St. Helen’s, will lead a tour and will explain the liturgical reasons behind the changes to their worship space.
From Age to Age: How Christians
Have Celebrated the Eucharist
by Edward Foley
this morning:
“The Return to Change: 1903 and Beyond”
— AND —
An Adult Forum Special Event !!!
Next Sunday, May 2, 2004
The Rev. Dr. Walter Bouman,
our diocesan Theologian in Residence for this year, will be the guest speaker at our Adult Forum session. He will conclude the current series with a talk on “Eucharist and the Mission of the Church.” For that day only, we will move our Adult Forum session to the Parish Hall; it will begin at 9:15 and conclude at 10:10. (Dr. Bouman will also serve as our homilist at both services that day.)
Community Breakfast #5
Saturday, January 17
Community Breakfast #6
Saturday, March 20
Parish Breakfast
Saturday, May 16
Community Breakfast #7
Saturday, October 16
St. Mark’s has decided it will host a Community All-You-Can-Eat buffet-style breakfast in attempts to raise funds for our Capital Improvement Projects. These projects include refurbishing the lounge, strengthening our canopy supports, and building an outdoor shed for our lawn care equipment.
Joe Zglinicki, our Vestry Member and head of Building Maintenance, has graciously volunteered to head up this project. To get the ball rolling, he needs at least five or six volunteers who are willing to roll up their sleeves and help with this community project.
Please give some serious thought to assisting Joe at helping St. Mark’s reach out into the Riverside and East Dayton communities, and prepare for some hard, but very gratifying work!
TIME: 9:00 AM til NOON
$5.00 for Adults and $3.00 for Children under 10.
Adult Forum Special Event !
to join us for an evening with
The Rev. Dr. Walter Bouman
on Thursday, January 15, 2004, from 7:00 until 9:00 at St. George’s Episcopal Church, 5520 Far Hills Avenue in Washington Township.
Dr. Bouman’s topic will be “Human Sexuality and Biblical Authority.”
The response to some recent events in the Episcopal Church too often has produced, both from supporters and from opponents, more heat than light. Dr. Bouman will help us all come to a deeper understanding of what the Bible says and does not say, and how we can draw on its teachings in addressing new issues as they arise. He serves as our diocesan Theologian in Residence for 2003-2004.
St. Mark’s is sponsoring this event, but we have invited the members of all the area Episcopal and ELCA Lutheran churches to join us, along with the Religious Studies faculty members and students from all the surrounding colleges and universities.
Please plan to be there for this wonderful opportunity!