Lent for Everyone, Luke, Year C.

Easter Saturday

April 6


Acts 5:27-32


How has this Lenten and Easter story of Jesus touched your life?  How are you now going to live the Good News?

Easter Friday

April 5


Acts 3:1-10


Many today are crippled: by poverty, by poor health, by lack of education, by lack of hope.  How can you take them by the hand and help them to walk?

Easter Thursday

April 4


Acts 2:42-47


What is God’s dream for the church today?  How can you make that dream a reality?

Easter Wednesday

April 3


Acts 1:1-11


Why are you standing around, looking to heaven?  The reign of God has already begun.

Easter Tuesday

April 2


Luke 24:36-53


In these Lenten and Easter words, how has God been opening our eyes?

Easter Monday

April 1


Luke 24:13-35


Bring him your stories of sadness, and let him transform them by his presence.

Easter Day

March 31


Luke 24:1-12


“Why look for the living with the dead?”