Lent is the church’s springtime: a time of new beginnings and fresh discoveries. We invite you to join us this Lent in discovering the message of the gospel in a new way: in a discussion that takes place whenever and wherever you choose to participate.
From Ash Wednesday through Easter Saturday (i.e. February 13 – April 7), we will focus our attention on a small reading from the gospel according to Luke, followed by a very brief daily reflection. Those passages and comments on them can be found in the recently published book Lent for Everyone: Luke, Year C by N.T. Wright. It is available in paperback, Kindle and Nook editions.
After reading the two-page entry for the day, we invite you to join a conversation on it, one which will take place in a blog format on our Facebook page; you may also read other people’s comments on our web site.
We hope that Bishop Wright’s contemporary and engaging translation, along with his short reflections and thought-starters on the passages, will help you to enter into the stories in a new way. And we hope that this fresh approach to a discussion will encourage you to take part on a regular basis, whenever and wherever you can.
Lent for Everyone: Luke, Year C by N.T. Wright (October 2012, Westminster John Knox Press) is available from Amazon (paperback and Kindle) and from Barnes & Noble (paperback and Nook). St. Mark’s Episcopal Church also has a few copies of the paperback available (for $10.50).
If you have any questions, please contact The Rev. Mike Kreutzer at makreutzer@ameritech.net or 937-256-1082.