Announcements from 2005

Church Office Hours last week…

** Tuesday, 1:00 – 3:00

** Wednesday, 9:00 – 3:00

** Friday, 9:00 – 3:00

The office will be closed on Mondays, December 26 and January 2.


Christmas Project

Sign up sheet for the Christmas Project is outside the church office. For more information please contact Carol Nancarrow.


St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

will offer

“The Longest Night:

A Service for a Blue Christmas”

on Wed., Dec. 21st, at 6.00 p.m.

So many people find the “holiday season” to be a time of sadness. Perhaps they mourn the death of a loved one, a broken relationship, the loss of a job. This service lets us know we are not alone and that God is present in our sadness. A simple supper will be available after the service. All are invited.


Soup Luncheon

Today, after the 10:30 service…

Sign up sheet for Soup, Bread, and Desserts are outside the church office.

For more information on the soup luncheon please call Pat Tallman.


Hanging of the Greens

Please plan on staying after the Soup Luncheon to help decorate the church for the holiday season.

For more information please call Janet Reuter.


The Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke

Beginning in November 27 and continuing through the four Sundays in Advent, St. Mark’s Adult Forum will be exploring the Infancy Narratives: the first two chapters in the Gospel according to Matthew and Luke. Sunday sessions will be from 9:15 AM until 10:10 AM; these will be repeated on the following Wednesdays from 11:00 AM until 11:50 AM. All discussions will take place in the Lounge. Please bring a Bible with you.





December 11, 2005

4:00 PM 

St. Margaret’s Episcopal 

5301 Free Pike, Trotwood



Thanksgiving 2005

Please plan to join the other members of our church, together with members of Faith Lutheran and St. Mark’s Lutheran Church for a Service of Thanksgiving.

November 23, at 7:30 at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church.

A reception will follow.


Rector’s Continuing Education

All clergy in the Episcopal Church are expected to complete at least 2 weeks of continuing education each year. As part of his efforts for 2005, the Rector will be attending the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature and the American Academy of Religion in Philadelphia from this Friday, November 18, through the following Tuesday, the 22nd. The church office will be closed this Thursday.

Please contact George Snyder or Joanne Stearns for any pastoral concerns, and either Gary Browning or Tony Rubino for other needs during this time.


Vera’s 100th Birthday Celebration

on November 13th

Please sign the Birthday Card for Vera. 

It is located on the Piano.

Donations of finger foods are needed. 

A sign up sheet is located on the bulletin board

across form the church office.

Please contact Mildred or the Church Office

for her mailing address if you would

like to send her a card.


Alter Flowers

The flowers on the altar each week not only enhances the services but are also shared with our members who are too ill  to attend, a happy event such as an anniversary, or a sick friend of a church member. The following Sunday’s have not been filled on flower chart beside the church office  

June 27, July 18, 25, August 1, 15, 22,

September 19, 26, October 17, 24, 31.

If you are interested in donating flowers for any one of these Sunday’s please sign the flower chart and let the secretary know if you want them as a memorial or in thanksgiving. The cost for flowers is $30.


Family members or friends who have died during this past year will be remembered during the All Saints Day service this week.


  On Sunday, October 30th

is the In-Gathering for 

Please remember to bring your blue Box.

(Also being accepted on November 6.)

The United Thank Offering Prayer 

Heavenly Father, source of all creation,

all love, all true joy: accept, we pray

these outward signs of our profound and continuing

thankfulness for all of life.

Bless those who will benefit from these gifts

through the outreach of the United Thank Offering;

and keep each of us ever thankful

for all the blessings of joy and challenge

that come our way; through Him who is the

greatest gift and blessing of all,

Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.



September 18th – November 6th


St. Mark’s Adult Forum

Sundays, 9:15 – 10:10; 

Wednesdays, 11:00 – 11:50 

– in the Lounge

“Science and Religion”

led by George John

Come join in a conversation, discussion, dialogue, — on Science and Religion in which we will explore the relationships between these two edifices of humankind’s efforts to discern the nature of reality and the meaning of life on planet Earth. We will examine areas of conflict and various attempts to deal with them. 

This adventure will begin on 18 September, and continue for six-weeks; the Wednesday sessions will begin on September 21. We will use selected articles from various journals and the internet, combined with readings from a book by John Polkinghorne, “Faith, Science & Understanding,” Yale University Press, 2000. Cost $11.00.

It is hoped that participation in this study will provide a foundation for dealing with current issues. The print and electronic media have been highlighting a variety of issues that demand attention from specialists and ordinary folk. The issues touch upon some or all aspects of ethics, morality, philosophy, religion, theology, and science. Abortion and production of stem cells from fertilized human ova, human cloning, and patenting of the human genome are several examples that have received coverage from time-to-time.. The most recent controversy receiving attention is between several camps in education: those in favor of retaining the theory of evolution, as is, in the high school science curriculum; those who want to include “intelligent design” as a competing “scientific theory”; and those who would substitute “intelligent design” for the theory of evolution.

If you would like St. Mark’s to order a copy of the book for you, please sign the list today!


The Waffle Shop

Christ Episcopal Church

November 8, 9, 10, & 11

11: am to 2:00 pm

Come downtown for the 76th year of delicious waffles and other homemade lunch items. For more information please call 223-2239.

On Wednesday Nov. 9th several members of the church will be going to Christ Church after the Noon Holy Eucharist Service. If you are able please come and enjoy the wonderful food and fellowship.



At the back of the church and on the piano are copies of a rough draft of a revised Parish Directory. Please take a moment and look over your information. Make sure that everything is spelled correctly and we have the right information. If you would like to add your email address please put it by your name. Thank you.


The Junior and Senior high youth group presents our annual 

Halloween Party!

Sunday, October 30th at 6:00pm.

Admission is one bag of candy. Fun activities will include a costume contest, bobbing for apples, pumpkin painting, a cake walk, and more!


Flu Shots

When: On Sunday, October 30th, 2005

2pm to 4pm

Where: Community United Methodist Church 

339 Meyer Ave. and Burkhardt Rd. 

Who: 18 years and older

· Free to persons with Medicare part B (Must bring card with you)

· We will give a receipt for Medicare complete or Anthem Senior Advantage and you can send in for your reimbursement. 

· $23.00 for all others.

This event is Open to the Public


The Rector will be on vacation during this coming week

(October 17-23).

>> The church office will be open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00-3:00. It will be open on Tuesday from 1:00-3:00. It will be closed on Thursday.

>> There will be no noon worship service on Wednesday.

>> Next Sunday, Joanne Stearns will serve as celebrant and George Snyder as homilist for both worship services.

>> For pastoral needs, please contact either George Snyder or Joanne Stearns. For other needs, please contact either of our Wardens, Gary Browning and Tony Rubino. 


Electronic Voting Machine

Come and learn how to use the 

Electronic Voting Machines

on Oct 26th at 12:30pm in the basement.

These new voting machines will be used

in the up coming election on November 8th.



Today we welcome the Rev. Steven Ingram, M.S., M. Div. as our guest homilist.  He will share with us a message on God’s work of healing and the role that the Pastoral Counseling Center plays in helping to bring about that healing in the lives of our community.  Rev. Ingram is a Pastoral Counselor at the Pastoral Counseling Center of Miami Valley Hospital. He serves as the American Association of Pastoral Counselors’ (AAPC’s) Membership Chair of the Midwest Region and is a member of the Recruitment, Retention and Revitalization Task Force. He is a Fellow in AAPC and a member of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. As an ordained Presbyterian minister, he serves on committees of the Miami Presbytery and provides pulpit supply for many congregations in the greater Dayton, Ohio area. Along with his life-long love affair with the violin, Steven enjoys woodworking, running and good humor.


Please join us anytime between

12:00 and 4:00 on Sunday, October 16

for the grand opening celebration of the

Dayton International Peace Museum. We’re located at 208 W. Monument Ave. in the historic Pollack house, built in 1877. We’ll have tours of the new museum, including exhibits on Hiroshima,

the Dayton Peace Accords and a special art exhibit about 9/11 entitled Tower of Babel by Cincinnati artist Joan Effertz. There will be face painting and a craft table for kids and refreshments for everyone.

For more information call 22-Peace or


“You visited me in prison!”

As Bishop Thompson spelled out in his 2001 pastoral letter, Let My People Go, incarceration is having a devastating effect on Ohio’s communities. Churches can play a decisive role in rebuilding the lives of ex-offenders and their families. Come learn how at ECSF’s Overcoming the Odds conference on Saturday, Oct. 1. You will:

> receive a succinct overview of the factoring the statewide prison crisis

> learn about specific and MANAGEABLE ways your church can help

> connect with grassroots organizations who are working effectively in your part of the state

The goals are to foster KNOWLEDGE and TEAMWORK so that your community can pull together to prevent crime and recidivism. Most workshop leaders are ex-offenders who are doing fruitful work on this issue and for whom faith and local congregations were vital to successful re-entry. The conference fee is $15 to cover the cost of meals and a resource guide. The time is 9:30-3:30, Saturday, Oct. 1 at Procter Conference Center. To sign up or to find out more, please contact Ariel Miller, ECSF Executive Director, at or 513-221-0547.



There are only 3 slots open for 

Altar flowers. These days are: 

July 10 and 17, and Sept. 18.


Sat., September 24th at 5:30 -7:30pm

At Community United Methodist Church, 339 Meyer Avenue at Burkhardt Road

Your choice of Meat:

Rollbraten (Pork) or Rolladen (Beef)

Served with: German potato salad, green beans, tossed salad, and desert.

Reservations required.

Tickets are:

$7 Adults and $3.50 children 

Please call Rachel Huffman at 256-1082 to reserve your tickets. 

When ordering your tickets please specify which type of meat you would prefer.

Carryout orders are available by preorder only. For $7 each carryout orders will include your choice of either: 

** 2 Rollbraten & German Potato Salad **

** 2 Rolladen & German Potato Salad **

** 1 Rollbraten, 1 Rolladen, & German Potato Salad **


PAT Meeting This Sunday

PAT (the Parish Action Team) will meet in the Lounge following the 10:30 service next Sunday, September 18. On the agenda is a proposal to reallocate funds from the playground to the Parishioner Assistance Fund, plus a discussion on the use of the proceeds from this summer’s Yard Sale. If you have any questions, please contact Ann Phillips.


Your Assistance Needed

A parish is like a family, and sometimes family members find themselves in need of a little assistance to help them through difficult times. To better address these special needs, we are establishing a Parishioner Assistance Fund. It will be used from time to time when members of our parish family experience special needs.

We have such a need today. One of our parishioners is experiencing some significant difficulties. Several members of the church have already given support through gifts of their time and labor, but we also need financial assistance.

If you would be willing to help out a fellow member of our parish family during this time of need, please make your check payable to St. Mark’s, and note that it is for the Parishioner Assistance Fund. Your gift will be used only for that purpose.

If you have any questions, please speak with the Rector or the church Treasurer.

Thank you for your generosity!

“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

(Galatians 6:2)


Today, September 11th at 10:30 am, PICNIC IN THE PARK at Shellabarger Park

> Mary Williams, vocals

> Earl Williams, guitar

> Dick Stem, bass guitar

> Jim Jolleff, percussion and vocals

> Mary Dahlberg, guitar


Thank you to all who participated in making the Church Yard Sale a huge success!


Today, on September 4th

we will be returning to 

two Holy Eucharist Services

8:00 AM & 10:30 AM


Have a fun and safe



Choir practice begins August 31st at 7:30 p.m.

All are welcome to share their talents.


While the choir takes a well-deserved vacation until its first rehearsal on August 31, special summer music can be provided by individuals and small groups. Non-choir singers and instrumentalists are also invited to share their gifts at a Sunday service. The sign-up sheet is outside the church office. If you have any question please feel free to contact Ruby at home or through the Church Office.


Yard Sale

this Saturday, Aug. 27th

9am till 3pm.

Volunteers needed to help with the Day of the Yard Sale. The sign up sheet is located outside the church office.

Items that are not sold will be donated to several local charities.



All are invited to attend the 102nd Birthday Day Party of 

Margaret (Peggy) Shoal

On August 9th at 1:30

At Hospitality Homes East

1301 North Monroe Dr.

Xenia, OH 45385

If you are not able to attend cards would be greatly appreciated.


Congratulation to Chris Rogers!

Today he will be officially promoted to 

Eagle Scout.


Master Sergeant Insignia (E-7)

Congratulation to Carolyn Sargent who was promoted to Master Sergeant in the United States Air Force!


We need your help…

with our annual cookout for the students, parents, faculty and staff of Kemp Elementary School.

On Friday, August 5, from noon until 1:00, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Community United Methodist Church and St. Mark’s Lutheran Church will be hosting our Third Annual Start-of-School-Year Cookout in Pinewood Park, next to Kemp School (just one mile from St. Mark’s). We need folks to transport our two grills to and from the park, and to take care of grilling hot dogs.

This event is part of the School-Church Partnership that our three churches have with Kemp School. It takes place the Friday before classes begin and helps to bring together the students, parents, faculty and staff in a fun, casual setting in order facilitate communications among them for the coming academic year.

If you have any questions or might be willing to help, please contact Mike Kreutzer as soon as possible.

Thank you!

Dates to remember:

Office closed on Mon., July 4th in observation of Independence Day.

No noon service on Wed., July 6th.

Office closed on Thurs., July 7th. 


Call the Church Office for more information. 


Community United Methodist Church

has invited the youth of St. Mark’s Episcopal to come to the



Vacation Bible School

On June 20th -24th from 6-8:30 pm. If you are interest in coming or being a volunteer please contact

Pat Goodman at 254-9747.  Thank you.


2nd Quarter Contribution Sheets

will be in the Lion’s Tale; that will go out at the end of July. If you would like to have your personal contribution sheet sooner please contact the church office at 256-1082. Thank you. 

Rachel Huffman



Maureen Greaney

Graduated from 

Stivers School for the Arts

June 1, 2005

Jessica Lynn Browning

will be graduating from Ohio State

with a Bachelors of Science 

in Social Works Degree. 

June 12, 2005

Sarah Ann Miller

Granddaughter of Doris Ford

Graduated from Wright State

with a Bachelor of Science

in Biological Science

June 11, 2005

Betty E. G. Coleman

graduated from

Trinity Lutheran Seminary

& Bexley Hall Seminary

June 4, 2005



Youth Program

9:15 – 10:15 in the Youth Room

Diane Doran and Megan Rubino will be leading a combined Junior and Senior High group. The overall theme will be “Building Healthy Relationships.” 



Sunday School

5th & 6th Grades

“This is the Church”

taught by John Webster

2nd, 3rd & 4th Grades

9:15 – 9:45 Music Class, taught by Ruby Webster and Judy Rudd. (Choir Room)

9:45 – 10:30 This class will be taught by Carol Nancarrow and Betsy Jones. 

Kindergarten & 1st Grade

9:45 – 10:30 This class will be taught by Kendall Rubino and Janet Reuter.


Nursery Program

10:30 – 11:30


Sandy Bultman, Adrienne Ingram, Judy Kreutzer and Emily Magoteaux will be leading our youngest members in a time of stories, crafts and activities that introduce them to some of the stories of our faith and of the way that we live that faith. The children will rejoin their parents for Communion.


Children’s Chapel 

10:30 – 11:00 

Kindergarten – 3rd grade 

As part of our worship for younger children, kindergarten through 4th grade students are invited to attend a Children’s Chapel Service. It enables them to hear the Word of God on their level, and then join the rest of the church family for the Holy Eucharist (they will be brought to the sanctuary at the Peace).

Chapel leaders are: Gary Browning, Janet Reuter and Lisa Zglinicki.



Come out and join us after the 10:30 church service on June 26th to Young’s Jersey Dairy Farm in Yellow Springs. For more information about this event please ask Pat Tallman.



“A time to remember, to reflect, to heal”

Join us in paying our respects to not only our VietNam Veterans…

but to all our fallen men and women from all wars.

This is a 240 ft. scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall 

In Washington, D.C. 

Admission is free, all are invited.

Today is the last day 

Located at the Kroger’s on Spinning Road and Brukhardt. 

The Closing Ceremony at the Wall

and Late Night Entertainment

will begin at 7:00pm


The Rector and his family will be on vacation for two weeks.


> For pastoral needs, please contact our Deacon, George Snyder, or our Assisting Priest, Joanne Stearns.

> For other needs, please contact our Wardens, Gary Browning and Tony Rubino.

> Our Secretary / Bookkeeper, Rachel Huffman, will be in the office Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 9:00-3:00 and on Tuesdays from 1:00-300.

> George Snyder will preside at Morning Prayer at 8:00 and 10:30 the next two Sundays.

> There will be no Wednesday noon service the next two weeks.

> Mike will return to the office on Monday, June 20.


It is that time of year again when we will be celebrating High School and College graduations. If you are graduating this year please let the church secretary know from what school you will be graduating from. If you are a high school student could you please let us know if you plan on attending college in the Fall and what you plan on majoring in. If you are a College student please let us know what degree you have just earned. The end of the school year is just a few more weeks away good luck to all of our students.




Health Screening
at the
Christ Episcopal Church



For members and friends of the church who are interested. Life Line Screening will be at the Christ Episcopal Church, located at 20 West First Street, Dayton, on Tuesday, June 7, 2005. Life Line Screening uses Ultrasound and Doppler to screen the Carotid Arteries in the neck for plaque buildup (up to 75% of all Strokes are linked to Carotid Artery Blockage), and the arteries in the legs for Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), which is linked to heart disease. They offer a third screening that test for Aneurysms in the aortic vessel of the abdomen. Life Line Screening will also offer on that day a bone density screening, to test for the early detection of Osteoporosis. This is a preventative program, and is rally worth participating in…problems can be detected early, and taken care of, before they become a big problem. Your results are sent to you and you are referred back to your own doctor. (Your doctor may recommend a yearly screening). These non-invasive, completely painless screening takes about 10 minutes each and are offered for forty-five dollars each, or $109 for all three vascular screening. The bone density screening will be offered for thirty five dollars or all 4 tests will be offered for $129 total cost. YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER! Please call 1-800-324-1851 for your appointment or for more information.


Last chance to subscribe to the Episcopal Life Paper

If interested please add your name and address to the list out side the church office. There are 6 people on last year’s subscription that has not initialed their names. If you are one of these people and you would like to renew your subscription please vary your address and put your initials next to your name. To order the payment is $8.40 (if writing a check please make it out to St. Mark’s and put in the memo section Episcopal Life).


A Reminder

St. Mark’s will be hosting 

community candlelight 

Memorial Service 

Sunday, May 29, 

beginning at 7:00 p.m.

This year, as our nation marks the 30th anniversary of the end of the War in Vietnam, St. Mark’s is joining with three other neighborhood churches in hosting memorial services honoring those who gave their lives in this conflict. Our May 29th service will focus on those who died while serving in the Navy and the Coast Guard.

This series of services serves as a prelude to the display of a half-size replica of the Vietnam Wall, which will take place at VFW Post 657 on Spinning Road from June 16-19.

Attention: Singers !!!

Interested in singing in the choir?

rehearsals take place on

Wednesday evenings from 7:30 until 9:00.

Please contact Ruby Webster for more info.


If you would like to renew or start a new subscription to Episcopal Life Newspaper please see the sign outside the church office. For returning subscribers please check that the address is correct and circle / initial your name. For new subscribers please add your name and mailing address to the list. The cost for the Episcopal Life newspaper is $8.40. If writing a check please put Episcopal Life in the memo section.


Dayton Dragons Game

“Phillie Phanatic Night”

Saturday, May 21st

7:00 game

$7.00 for Lawn seating children 2 and under are free.

Deadline for tickets is Mar. 20th

 Please contact Gary Browning at 427-2832 for more information.

If writing a check please make it out to St. Mark’s.

See you at the Ball Game.


The People of St. Andrew’s Church 

1060 Salem Ave. in Dayton 

are pleased to invited you to

an Organ Recital and Evensong

to celebrate Trinity Sunday May 22, 2005

Recital by Kevin Rose at 3:30pm 

Evensong at 4:00pm 

Light refreshments follow.


A Reminder

St. Mark’s will be hosting 

community candlelight 

Memorial Service 

next Sunday, May 29, 

beginning at 7:00 p.m.


This year, as our nation marks the 30th anniversary of the end of the War in Vietnam, St. Mark’s is joining with three other neighborhood churches in hosting memorial services honoring those who gave their lives in this conflict. Our May 29th service will focus on those who died while serving in the Navy and the Coast Guard.


This series of services serves as a prelude to the display of a half-size replica of the Vietnam Wall, which will take place at VFW Post 657 on Spinning Road from June 16-19.


*Dayton Deanery Meeting*


There will be a meeting of the Dayton Deanery on Thursday May 26th at Christ Episcopal Church Xenia. The meeting will be preceded by a potluck supper starting at 6pm with the actual business meeting to begin at 7pm. We’ll be having a presentation by the Rev. Canon Vicki Zust from the Diocesan office to give an overview of the current status and plans for the June Diocesan convention and Bishop selection status. Other agenda items will include announcements from each of our member parishes, planning a date to reschedule our Dayton Deanery Day celebration in the fall and plans for an “All Deanery Clergy Swap” that was brought up at the last meeting. All parishioners are welcome. Please contact your church office so that they may RSVP for you no later than Monday May 23rd.

Randy Young




Sunday, May 1 at the 10:30 Service

We will have our annual

“Flower Sunday.”

All are invited to bring a flower to church. During the service, all will be invited to bring the flower forward and, with the help of our acolytes, we will place the flowers into the holes in a large wooden cross. That cross will gradually burst forth in life, as a beautiful sign of our resurrection in Christ.


We have extended the collection date for the Day of Change to help feed the hungry in the Dayton Area. Please feel free to donate any lose change into the offering baskets at the doors. 

Thank you.


The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith

by Marcus Borg

The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith

by Marcus Borg

Sundays, 9:15-10:10; Wed., 11:00-11:50

Today, April 10, and Wed., April 13, Chapters 2 and 3 (pages `25 – 60):

“Faith: The Way of the Heart” and

“The Bible: The Heart of the Tradition”

Sunday, April 17 and Wed., April 20, Chapters 4 and 5 (pages 61 – 100):

“God: The Heart of Reality” and

“Jesus: The Heart of God”

Sunday, April 24, and Wed., April 27, Chapters 6 and 7 (pages 103 – 148):

“Born Again: A New Heart” and

“The Kingdom of God: The Heart of Justice”

Sunday, May 1, and Wed., May 4, Chapters 8 and 9 (pages 149 – 186):

“Thin Places: Opening the Heart” and

“Sin and Salvation: Transforming the Heart”

Sunday, May 8, and Wed., May 11, Chapters 10 and 11 (pages 187 – 226):

“The Heart of the Matter: Practice” and

“Heart and Home: Being Christian in an Age of Pluralism”


The Adult Forum will meet on Sun. and Wed. mornings to discuss the book Resurrection: Interpreting the Easter Gospel by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams

This week’s schedule:

Sunday, March 13, and Wednesday,

March 16 — Chapter 5 (pages 91-112):

“The Risen Body”

You are invited to join in our Adult Forum series for the Easter Season, 

one based on the excellent (and very readable) book

The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith by Marcus Borg 

This very popular author addresses the basic questions of what our Christian faith is all about. He explores both the approach to faith in which most of us grew up, as well as what he describes as the emerging paradigm, one which calls us to return to the heart of Christianity. Here is “Christianity 101.” presented in a way which is bound to lead to some very interesting and fruitful discussions.

We will discuss this book, and its significance for our lives, on six Sundays (9:15-10:10), beginning April 3 and concluding May 8, and also on the following Wednesdays (11:00-11:50). If these times are not possible for you but you would still like to participate, please let Mike Kreutzer know what day and time would be better for you; we would be glad to start a third group.


The Heart of Christianity, published in 2004 by Harper San Francisco, is available in paperback for $ 10.25. Please sign the list on the main bulletin board (across from the church office) or across from the usher’s table by Sunday, March 20, so that we can have the books available by Easter, a week before the first session.


“Phillie Phanatic Night”

Saturday, May 21st

7:00 game

$7.00 for Lawn seating children 2 and under are free Deadline for tickets is Mar. 20th 

Please contact Gary Browning at 427-2832 for more information. If writing a check please make it out to St. Mark’s.

See you at the Ball Game.


The Women of St. Helen’s Parish 

Invite you to their annual Interfaith Luncheon 

on Monday, March 28, 2005 at 11:30 am

At St. Helen School Gym

There is no admission charge 

food will be provided by

the women of St. Helen’s Parish.

The Entertainment will be 

the Vandalia Country Steppers

“Let Us Entertain You” 

Please RSVP by March 23rd 

to Cathy 426-8475 or the rector 254-6233.


Most of the names on our Prayer List for Friends and Family

have been there for several months. If you want to keep someone’s name on the list, please notify the Secretary by Tuesday.

The names with (**) might be removed if not contacted. Thank you


Congratulations to Ben and Julie, to their daughter, Ava, and to Julie’s parents on the birth of Owen. He was born on February 24, weighing 8 lbs., 7 ¾ ozs., and measuring 21″!


We are receiving donations for Easter Flowers. If donating please print the persons name for whom the flowers are in thanksgiving or in memory of. The last day for ordering is March 20th. Thank you.


If you would like to renew or start a new subscription to Episcopal Life Newspaper please see the sign outside the church office. For returning subscribers please check that the address is correct and circle / initial your name. For new subscribers please add your name and mailing address to the list. The cost for the Episcopal Life newspaper is $8.40. If writing a check please put Episcopal Life in the memo section.


Peddle, Pipes, and Pizza

Sponsored by the Dayton Chapter, 

American Guild of Organist

On Saturday, February 26 

$5.00 per participant

Registration: 9:30; Program: 10 am till 1:30 pm

At Fairhaven Church ; 637 Whipp Road

Young Pianist or beginning organist and their teachers are invited to come to a fun filled morning 

which will include an introduction to the pipe organ and its history, a chance to play the pipe organ, and followed by a pizza lunch. 

For more information or to register, please contact Priscilla Acuff at 296-1430 or


The Brahms Requiem

Will be sung in English with full orchestra. 

There will be two performances:

Saturday, March 12th , at 5 pm

at the Kettering Adventist Church 

(corner of Stroop and Southern, Kettering);

and Sunday, March 13th, at 5pm, 

at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior

(155 E. Thurston Blvd., Oakwood). 

The public is invited and admission is free. For more information you may call 298-2167.


Day of Caring

Pancake Brunch

Proceeds go to help the

the homeless and hungry in Dayton

February 27, 2005

Tickets can be purchase at the door for

$ 6.00 Adults

$ 4.00 Senior and Children under 12

Several locations available 

Peace Lutheran Church- Indian Food 

(3530 Dayton-Xenia Road, Beavercreek)

Christ United Methodist Church

(3440 Shroyer Road, Kettering)

Sons of Italy – Bella Villa Hall

(2625 County Line Road, Kettering)

For more information please call 320-1687


The Celtic Academy of Irish Dance proudly presents “Celtic Movements: Feet in Flight,” an evening of Irish dance and music, on Saturday, February 26, at 7 p.m. in Northmont High School Auditorium, Clayton. This performance is an originally choreographed presentation freaturing dancers from the Celtic Academy of Irish Dance. Dayton-based Irish band Dulahan will perform at 6 p.m. Door open at 5:45 p.m. Tickets are $10; children 6-12 years of age are $5, children under 6 admitted free. For more information please call the Celtic Academy of Irish Dance studio at 256-6086, view the studio website at or visit the studio located at 85 Woodman Dr. weekday evenings.


“Go Elegant” 

Valentine’s Party 

February 12th at 6 p.m.

At Community United Methodist Church

A wonderful dinner will be served; a group renewal of wedding vows, 

A moment of remembrance of those who have pasted, music, and games. 

There will also be pictures available for $5.00. 

Prices are: $6.00 for adults 

$3.50 for children 6-12 

free for children 5 and under. 

For more information and reservations please 

contact the church office at 253-5169.


“The Girls” Choir

Choir rehearsal will resume on 

February 16th and 23rd at 6:45 PM.


Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Please join us this Tuesday evening for our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. The menu includes pancakes (of course!), sausage, apple sauce and beverages. The suggested donation is $3.00 per person or $10.00 per family.


We extend our condolences to Pat T. Her father, Harry passed away on January 23rd. He died in Liverpool, England at the age of 94. We ask that you would pray for safe travels for the family as they go to England for the memorial services.


begins in ten days.

This is a special time of preparation for celebrating the central mysteries of our salvation: the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. During Lent several of our young parishioners will be participating in an Early Age Communion preparation program. They will join us in sharing a very special Holy Eucharist as we celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection at the Great Vigil of Easter (March 26).

Once again this year we are offering additional opportunities for both Prayer and Study during Lent.

Prayer: On the seven Wednesdays of Lent, there will be a prayer service at 7:00 p.m.

> Feb. 9, Ash Wednesday: Holy Eucharist with the optional imposition of ashes

> Feb. 16 – Mar. 16: recited Evening Prayer

> Mar. 23, Wednesday in Holy Week: The Way of the Cross


Study: The Adult Forum will meet on Sunday mornings and Wednesday mornings. Please see the other side for details.


Dear St. Mark’s friends:

While I know that a lot of you do not know me nor I you. I do want to let you know how much I appreciate and continue to appreciate your prayers for healing. 

My knee surgery went well. Of course, it had its glitches here and there but so far so good. I will be going to the doctor for a check up and to get my physical therapy assignment. Ugh. I do dread that because it does hurt but is necessary,

Again, thank you for you prayers and also for your card. All of that is very uplifting and I have appreciated it very much.

God bless all of you…

Shirley J.



Next Sunday, February 6th 

from 9:15 -10:15 am

Finding Spirituality in Everyday Living

…led by the Rev. Dr. James Hanisian

As we grow older, how can we better develop a closer relationship with God in our everyday lives? What are some of the practical ways that we can establish a personal life of prayer?


St. Christopher’s is looking for

a part-time secretary

to work 12-15 hours per week.

Flexible hours. Needed skills include word processing, printing and reproduction, and simple bookkeeping. A weekly bulletin, a monthly newsletter, and checks for monthly bills are the normal work product. If interested in this position please contact Debbie Snavely at 

257-4151 ext 4020 (day) or 878-4054 (evening).


St. Mark’s Adult Forum: LENT

Feb. 13 – Mar. 16

This year’s Lenten series will be based on Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams’ book 


Interpreting the Easter Gospel.

“Why is it ‘good news’ to say ‘Jesus is risen’? What has the resurrection to do with our understanding of salvation? This book sets out to show how the experience of Jesus’ resurrection was from the first an experience of forgiveness and of the healing of memories of injury, guilt or failure. Out of this healing grew new patterns of life together and a new understanding of God. Resurrection challenges the Church to become a community of genuinely forgiven people by showing more plainly that it is a forgiving community.”

Our Schedule:

Sunday, Feb. 13, and Wednesday, Feb. 16

Chapter 1 (pages 1-22):

“The Judgment of Judgment:

Easter in Jerusalem”

Sunday, Feb, 20, and Wednesday, Feb. 23

Chapter 2 (pages 23-44):

“Memory and Hope:

Easter in Galilee”

Sunday, Feb. 27, and Wednesday, Mar. 2

Chapter 3 (pages 45-67):

“Communities of Resurrection”

Sunday, Mar. 6, and Wednesday, Mar. 9

Chapter 4 (pages 68-90):

“Talking to a Stranger”

Sunday, Mar. 13, and Wednesday, Mar. 16

Chapter 5 (pages 91-112):

“The Risen Body”

All sessions will be held in the Lounge, on Sundays from 9:15 until 10:10, and on Wednesdays from 11:00 until 11:55.

Resurrection, second edition published in 2003 by The Pilgrim Press, is available in paperback for $ 8.25. There is a sign-up list on the main bulletin board. Please sign-up by January 30 so that we can have the books for you a week prior to the first session.


Annual Parish Meeting

Sunday, January 30

Two weeks from today, we will hold St. Mark’s Annual Parish Meeting (our 52nd). This is an important event in the life of a parish. It is the occasion in which all parishioners come together to review the current status of the parish, to explore plans and ideas for the future, and to elect our parish leadership for the coming year.

All active parishioners, age 16 or older, are eligible to vote. We will be electing a Senior Warden, a Junior Warden, two members of the Vestry, two delegates to the Dayton Deanery, and four Delegates to the 131st Convention of the Diocese of Southern Ohio.

The day’s schedule will be:

> 9:30 Holy Eucharist

> 10:45 Annual Meeting

> Noon Lunch


The Knights of Columbus Council 500 

is having a Fish Fry

on Friday, January 28th 

from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM

At the Council Hall located at

267 Bainbridge just a half block north of Holy Trinity Church. 

All the Fish, Sausage, Pop, Beer, etc. you can eat and drink for only $10 per ticket. Also you can take a chance on a 27″ Color TV. NO ONE under the age of 21 will be admitted. For more information call the Council at 224-8566.



Journey of the Magi

By T.S. Elliot

‘A cold coming we had of it,

Just the worst time of the year

For a journey, and such a long journey:

The ways deep and the weather sharp, 

The very dead of winter.’

And the camels galled, sore-footed, refractory,

Lying down in the melting snow. 

There were times we regretted

The summer palaces on slopes, the terraces,

And the silken girls bringing sherbet.

Then the camel men cursing and grumbling

And running away, and wanting their liquor and women,

And the cities hostile and the towns unfriendly

And the villages dirty and charging high prices:

And hard time we had of it.

At the end we preferred to travel all night,

Sleeping in snatches, 

With the voices singing in our ears, saying

That this was all folly.

Then at dawn we came down to a temperate valley,

Wet below the snow line, Smelling of vegetation,

With a running stream and a water-mill beating the darkness,

And three trees on the low sky.

And an old white horse galloped away in the meadow.

Then we came to a tavern with vine-leaves over the lintel, 

Six hands at an open door dicing for pieces of silver,

And Feet kicking the empty wine-skins.

But there was not information, and so we continued

And arrived at evening, not a moment too soon

Finding the place; it was (your may say) satisfactory.

All this was a long time ago, I remember,

And I would do it again, but set down

This set down

This: were we led all that way for

Birth or Death? There was a Birth, certainly, 

We had evidence and no doubt. I had seen birth and death,

But had thought they were different; this Birth was

Hard and bitter agony for us, like Death, our death.

We returned to our places, these Kingdoms, 

But no longer at ease here, in the old dispensation,

With and alien people clutching their gods.

I should be glad of another death.



Martin Luther King 

March & Rally

The greater-Dayton community will hold its annual MLK March & Rally on Monday, January 17. Marchers will come from four directions and will meet at Courthouse Square for the rally.

The Kreutzers once again plan to participate. We will begin at the East Dayton Health Center, 2100 E. Third St., at 10:45. If you would like to join us, please let Mike or Judy know and we will plan to meet you there!


to provide finger food for 

Bishop Thompson’s Coffee 

are asked to sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office.

Thank you, 

St. Mark’s Vestry



Dear St. Mark’s

Thank you for the contribution to Hospice of Montgomery County that you make in my name. That is a wonderful Christmas gift; nothing could have pleased me more. They are a marvelous organization. I am truly blessed to be a part of St. Mark’s. Thanks for allowing me to serve you as your deacon.

Deacon George

Dear fellow members of St. Mark’s,

Thank you very much for your generous Christmas gift: a donation to the food bank at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, given in my name. May God continue to bless all of you as we enter a new year of service in His Name.





Bishop Herbert Thompson will be visiting St. Mark’s on Sunday January 16. This is the last time that he is scheduled to be with us before his retirement. We will have only one service that day (10:30) and no Christian Education Hour.

As part of this special occasion, our Bishop will preside at the sacrament of Confirmation. We invite anyone, junior high school age and older, who has not been confirmed, to consider confirmation on that day. (We already have eight of our junior and senior high members who have decided that they want to be confirmed.)

George Snyder is working on a brief preparation those to be confirmed. He is planning to meet on Sundays, January 2 and 9.



CONGRATULATIONS to St. Mark’s 2004 softball team.


Regular Season:  7 wins, 5 losses


Final game won by 18-17 in a real thriller!



Anyone still wishing to make a donation to

Christ Church’s Creation Window Project

should contact them directly:

Christ Episcopal Church

20 W. First Street

Dayton, OH  45402-1269




St. Mark’s has received official notification that Judith Doran has been approved for admission to Bexley Hall Seminary


In Columbus.  She will begin two years of study there this fall.


Congratulations !
