Christmas Project 2019


Dec 29 Update:

WE HELPED 19 families with 46 children


We gave: 92 gifts, including toys and clothes;

wrapping paper, bows, & tape.


Each family also received:

turkey, ham, & sausage;

cranberry sauce, green beans, peas, corn,

mustard or turnip greens, & sweet potatoes;

gravy, stuffing mix, cereal, macaroni & cheese, beans, dry noodles;

  eggs, margarine, & milk;

bread, rolls, apples, oranges, bananas, onions, potatoes, carrots, celery;

Christmas cookies, Christmas candy, miniature marshmallows

and a pumpkin or apple pie, or cake.


Many thanks to everyone for their generous contributions!



Once again we will help needy families with gifts for their children and food for their larders.  This year we helping 19 including 46 children.


Dates to keep in mind:


Nov 24 & Dec 1: cards available with a request for something each child needs and something they want.  Please pick up a card (or two!) in the Lounge.


Dec 15:Gift ingathering.  Please return all gifts (unwrapped), as we will have a special blessing for the children who will enjoy them.


Dec 19: Food shopping, sorting, and delivery.  9:00 AM is the starting time.  Wear your comfy shopping shoes & get ready to shop at Meijer for our families.


Then head back & help sort everything we bought.  If you can stay a bit longer & help deliver all these goodies, please let Carol know.  We can use lots of vehicles!



There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board

for those able to help on Dec. 19.

If you have any questions, contact Carol Nancarrow.
